Friday 5 October 2012


October 7th, 2012

Thanksgiving-World Communion Sunday

Announcements The Work of Church and Community


Welcome and greeting one another with the Peace of Christ.
One: The peace of Christ be with you.
Response: And with your spirit.
* Introit               Give Thanks to God                      VU 880
* Call to Worship Based on Psalm 126
One: Dear children of God, rejoice and be glad!
All: The world is full of wonder and delight;
God’s creation echoes with joy.
One: When life seems to become a nightmare,
All: God is able to fill us with dreams of hope and courage.
One By God’s grace, our seeds of sorrow
can yield a bumper crop of thanksgiving.
All: By God’s love, our flood of tears become fountains of grace. One: God does wonderful things. All: We rejoice and give thanks.
* Hymn Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ VU 468
Opening Prayer Together in Communion (back of bulletin)


Joel 2:21–27 Do not fear, O soil, for God will provide.
One: This is the witness of the Hebrew people. All: Thanks be to God.
Psalm 126 Those who sow in tears reap in joy. Ref. 2 VU 850

*Hymn                Here I Am, Lord                                VU 509

Opening the Word/Time with Children

The Gospel Acclamation
Matthew 6:25–33 Do not worry about what you will eat or drink.
One: The gospel of Jesus Christ. All: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.


Minute for Mission & Offering Our Gifts to God

* Offering Song/Doxology In Gratitude and Humble Trust VU 544

Presentation of the Breads

* Hymn We Gather Here                  VU 469
Sacrament of Communion Communion Insert, cover of VU
Distribution Hymn Jesus, the Bread of Life
Jesus, the Bread of Life, Jesus, the Bread of Life--
All who eat and drink of him will never die, will never die!
Prayer After Communion Thanksgiving
One: Grounded in the vine that is our source of existence, we give thanks for the gift of life that connects us to all creation.
All: We are one with Earth and its creatures.
One: Grounded in the body that is the life of Christ, we give thanks for our brothers and sisters who follow the way of Jesus.
All: We are one with those who share our story.
One: Grounded in our passion for justice, we give thanks for all who work for the common good.
All: We are one with all who seek to be community of compassion. One: Grounded in the bread we break and the cup we share, we give thanks for what we receive at this table: whole­ness and unifying peace, courage to break boundaries and strength to self-give.
All: We are one with love itself in the path that we follow and the life we are called to lead. May it be so.


* Hymn Now Thank We All Our God                VU 236
* Commissioning and Benediction
Go now, rejoicing!
God has done wondrous things for us!
Go, to welcome friends and families to your table.
Christ would have you include the stranger, as well.
Go, with glad and open hearts into the world.
Where the Spirit will work beside you to give hope and courage to all.  
* Choral Amen