Tuesday 17 July 2012



A weekly report on 41ST GENERAL COUNCIL happenings



Wanting to learn more about General Council and the Nominees for Moderator? Go to the 41st General Council website at http://www.gc41.ca/

Ask the Nominees!

Electing a Moderator is one of the most exciting events in the life of The United Church of Canada. At each General Council a new Moderator is elected to lead the church for the next three years.
The next Moderator will be elected at the 41st General Council in Ottawa, Aug. 11–18, 2012. For this council, the United Church has been blessed with a record setting 15 nominees from across the country. Each of the nominees bring their own special mix of gifts and experience which you can read about in their biographical statements on the nominees’ page.
To help people get to know the nominees for Moderator in a more personal way, we are asking them to respond to a fun and inspiring question each week until General Council meets in August. The nominees’ answers will be posted by Wednesday each week on the website and available on the nominees’ page.
We invite you to take a look at their responses. You may be surprised by what you find!
We also welcome you participate by sharing your own answers to the questions. Just visit the United Church Facebook page or use the #UCCan hashtag on Twitter and share your response!