Friday 13 July 2012


July 15th, 2012
7th After Pentecost
* please stand as able
Thoughts around which to gather as we worship:
A Prayer from Mechtild of Magdeburg
I cannot dance, O Lord
unless you lead me.
If you will that I leap joyfully
then you must be the first to dance and sing.
Then, and only then,
will I leap for love. (From The Spiritual Formation Bible, NRSV, copyright © 1999 by the Zondervan Corporation.)
Announcements The Work of Church and Community

We Gather to Worship God

Welcome and greeting one another with the Peace of Christ..
One: The peace of Christ be with you.
Response: And with your spirit.
* Introit Come Build a Church (printed)
* Call to Worship
One: We are today and every day in the presence of God.
All: This is a day of joy and gladness.
One: Help us, O God, to be aware of your presence.
All: This is a day of joy and gladness.
One: Come, O Spirit of God, and awaken our hearts and our minds,
in this time, in this place.
All: This is a day of joy and gladness.
One: Come let us worship God.
* Hymn This Is God's Wondrous World VU296
Opening Prayer
One: O God, your presence is made known to us
in this gathered community of faith,
in the doing of justice and evidence of peace,
in the face of a stranger and the story of a friend.
All: May we recognize the sacred at all times and places
and be inspired with your joy. Give us the courage and freedom
to express this joy in every way and with all that we are. Make us bold to praise you in solitude and in community – singing, dancing, and playing to tell of your glory. Amen.

We Listen for God’s Word

2 Samuel 6: 1-5, 12b-19 David brings the Ark to Jerusalem
One: This is the witness of the Hebrew people. All: Thanks be to God.

Psalm 24 Verses spoken, Refrain sung VU750
* Hymn      Lord of the Dance               VU352
Time with young people & The Lord's Prayer
Ephesians 1:3–14 Adopted through Christ and given an inheritance.
One: This is the witness of the early church. All: Thanks be to God.
Reflection on the Word

We Respond in Faith

* Hymn Holy Ground (printed)
Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession
One: We offer our prayer, O God.
Liturgical Movement Response: Begin with hands on thighs with palms facing up. Fold arms over your chest and then lift you hands up and out. Place hands on your thighs again when the leader begins to pray aloud.

Nan’s Going to General Council—the Church in Action
Offering Our Gifts to God

* Offering Song/Doxology For the Gift of Creation VU538

We Go to Serve God

* Hymn You Shall Go Out with Joy VU884
* Commissioning and Benediction
One: Let us move forward into our world with delight,
knowing we are part of the great divine dance of life.
All: May the blessing of God, the dancer and the dance,
move with us and within us this day and always.
* Choral Amen