Thursday 9 August 2012


 Summer Schedule: During the month of August Service at St. Mark’s at 9:30 a.m. No Service at St. David’s

August 12th, 2012
11th After Pentecost-41st General Council Worship
* please stand as able
Thoughts around which to gather as we worship: What does the Lord require? It’s quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbour, be compassionate and loyal in your love, and don’t take yourself too seriously—take God seriously.

THE MESSAGE: The Prophets Copyright ©2000 by Eugene H. Peterson.

Announcements         The Work of Church and Community

WE ENTER IN — To Do Justice

Welcome and greeting one another with the Peace of Christ.
One: The peace of Christ be with you.
Response: And with your spirit.
* Introit            What Does the Lord Require of You?    VU701
Call to Worship  based on Psalm 46:10
Be still and know I am God.        Arrêtez, et sachez que je suis Dieu.
Moment of Silence
Opening Prayer  
* Hymn            Make a Joyful Noise All the Earth                       VU820
Prayer of Confession (in unison)
From throughout this nation and beyond we gather, bringing with us the rich diversity of our lives as well as the baggage of prejudice, stupidity, and greed. We admit to you and to each other that we are unfair and unjust to our neighbours. In our worldly economy, the rich get richer while the poor sink more deeply into indebtedness. We lack the compassion that produces justice. We are disloyal; we put our petty, selfish desires ahead of your yearning for the planet's well-being. We take our wishes seriously, while ignoring the needs of our fellow creatures, forgetting your passion for abundant life for the earth and all her life-forms. We need your forgiveness, Holy Creator, to soften our hard hearts and open our rigid minds. Fill us, we pray, with your Spirit, and tune us to your intention for creation, so that we live as changed and loving people, in the name of Jesus, your beloved and anointed child. Amen.
Assurance of Pardon
Listen! Put arms and legs to your prayers. Live as forgiven people destined to enlighten the world with God's light. You already have the kingdom of God in your core and community, so share it with that part of the world that you can touch. Amen.

WE ENCOUNTER — To Love Kindness

Micah 6:8            What does the Lord require of you?
Psalm 130 (sung)   I wait for God with all my heart                       VU852
The Gospel Acclamation
John 6:35, 41–51  I am the bread of life.
Reflection on the Word

WE ENGAGE — To Walk Humbly with Our God

* A New Creed We are not alone                                  VU 918
Offertory Invitation
In our thanksgiving and gratitude let us make our offering to the Mission and Service Fund and to the ministry of these congregations.
* Offering Song/Doxology   We Give You But Your Own     VU542

Prayers of the People

ONE: To you, Holy One, we bring our prayers for the world and ourselves. To you we offer our gratitude and praise,
ALL: Thank you for letting us be part of your creation.
ONE: Thank you for allowing us to meet during this week to find your truth, your will, your justice, your compassionate love, so that we may walk with you, and with each other,
ALL: Thank you for calling us to serve you and your creation.
ONE: Guide us in giving up our predatory attitudes and behaviour as we learn to care for your lambs instead of fleecing them,
ALL: Thank you for the capacity to be gentle, generous, welcoming, and hospitable, and help us exercise this capacity.
ONE: We already know, Loving Creator, what you expect of us.
ALL: Accept our pledge, we pray, to do what is fair, to reveal your steadfast love in our words and actions, and to laugh at ourselves more while we do your serious business.
ONE: We pray for peace in the world.
ALL: Lead us in developing peace within our own hearts, and giving it away with wild abandon.
ONE: We pray for wise distribution of the material blessings that provide for the joyous survival of the nations.
ALL: Let justice flow like water, and peace be an ever-flowing stream.
ONE: Because we still live with the stolen benefits snatched from other people, we still must learn to reject our bullying ways, to make restitution, to atone for our greed, and to transform raging violence to healing energy.
ALL: We thank you that, in Jesus, we see that all of these things are possible for us because all things are possible for you.
ONE: As we have learned from Jesus, we pour out our souls to you as we pray in the language of our choosing, to you who are to us our Mother and…Our Father who art in heaven…(The Lord’s Prayer)
* Closing Hymn     May the God of Hope Go with Us        VU424
* Commissioning
ONE: Friends, you have been commissioned with the Ministry of Jesus Christ. So rise up! Get to it!
ALL: May we seek justice, love kindness as together we walk humbly with our God.

* Benediction

And as you go forth from this place today, take with you the blessing of the God of Micah and Miriam. Take with you the Blessing of Jesus our Christ, who walks with us. And take with you the blessing of the Holy Spirit who leads us on into the future. Go now in Peace.
* Choral Amen
Blessings unto you and your congregation,
General Council 41, Worship Planning Committee
Linda Ervin, Fran Hare, Adam Kilner, Jeffrey Rock, Dong-Chung Seo