Monday 19 September 2011

Sept 25th Season of Creation 4: River Sunday

This is River Sunday. During the call to worship this Sunday, you will be invited to call out the names for elements specific to our local context. Reflect on rivers that have significance to you and your family; rivers or water sources where God's sacred presence is experienced; rivers you have travelled on or to or hope to see one day.

‘The river of God is full of water’. Psalm 65:9

Help to welcome the river into our worship space this week: bring a jar or glass container of water, pebbles or plant species (found in or around river/streams) with you to church. We will carry these forward and place them on the communion table during the Introit as we begin worship.

Painting of River Inhabitants
Prayer for River Sunday
Creator, we are your river people, eager for life-healing waters, but our offerings are the cracked beds of receding rivers. Roll away the stones of our apathy and soak us in water wisdom, so that all may taste the fruits of your renewed creation. Amen.