Tuesday 27 November 2012


To those of you who have opted to take the online version of the Contact, THANK YOU! The online version has all the photos in colour, which would be very expensive to produce in the printed copy. If you would like to have a copy e-mailed to you, or family and friends who live elsewhere, please inform Camille. (787-2610) Email: crchapman@ns.sympatico.ca 
Some former residents of the area are already receiving the Contact by e-mail.

The printed Contact is available on the table in the Narthex. Please be sure to take your own copy. If there is not a copy with your name on it and you would like to add your name to the list of those who receive a printed copy, please inform Camille before the next issue. If you see one that belongs to a relative, neighbour or a friend, please pick it up and deliver it to them.

The district lists have been altered and reduced due to the many people who have opted to receive their Contact online. If you had a district list in the past, please check with the lists on the table in the narthex. Your list may now have different names, or you may not have a list at all. If you see a district list that contains addresses in your part of town and the person who is supposed to be in charge of that list is absent, please take those copies and deliver them yourself or give them to the district person to deliver. With all this cooperation the Contact will be delivered in no time!

Thank you all!

Camille Chapman