1. WALK WITH ME - 649
Lenten Tenebrae Sung Assurance I Have Called You by Your Name vs.1-4 MV161
One verse en francais:
Tu sais…je t’ai ap-pe-lé par ton nom;
au-jour-d’hui, pour moi, ra-yon-ne de tes dons.
Je te gar-de près de moi;
mes pro-mes-ses sont pour toi.
Je t’ai choi-si et ap-pe-lé par ton nom.Gospel Acclamation -GLORY AND PRAISE TO YOU , O LORD JESUS CHRIST !
Responsive Reading from A Song of Faith
Sung Response: (stand)
To you, O God, I lift my soul, to you, I lift my soul.
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All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Carrying a vision of creation healed and restored,
we welcome all in the name of Christ.
Invited to the table where none shall go hungry,
we gather as Christ’s guests and friends.
In holy communion
we are commissioned to feed as we have been fed,
forgive as we have been forgiven,
love as we have been loved.
The open table speaks of the shining promise
of barriers broken and creation healed.
In the communion meal, wine poured out and bread broken,
we remember Jesus.
We remember not only the promise
but also the price that he paid for who he was,
for what he did and said,
and for the world’s brokenness.
We taste the mystery of God’s great love for us,
and are renewed in faith and hope.
Responsive Reading excerpted from A Song of Faith: A Statement of Faith of the United Church of Canada
Sung Response To you, O God, I lift my soul, to you, I lift my soul.