Tuesday 21 February 2012


For Reflection:
■Lent is traditionally a time of giving something up as an act of reflection and devotion. What unhelpful attitude or way of thinking would you like to give up during this season?
■In this season of rainbow promises, be on the lookout for signs of the presence and promises of God in nature.
■How would you like to feel and think differently about yourself and the world by Easter?

Ash Wednesday, February 22

Psalm 51 "Create in me a clean heart, O God."

Touching the ashes is a way of touching base with our mortality – "ashes to ashes, dust to dust" – that can prompt reflections about what’s really important to us. This week, take time to reflect on the things that fill your days and how they connect to what you value in life. What faith practice – meditation, prayer, reading scripture, contemplating, or making art – might you engage during Lent to help you deepen these connections?