Tuesday 28 February 2012


Recently St. David's UCW made a donation to Brunswick Street Mission and the Mission has asked us to post the following announcement, as a way of sharing their message of appreciation as widely as possible.


What is the Mission really like?

Few supporters have the opportunity to visit and see what we do. The Annual Report and our website describe the "big picture", but the real heart of Mission is found in the moments of each day.

Now you can share those moments. Meet volunteers and clients, and learn about the different ways that people care for each other.

You only need a Face Book account; then visit our page, and hit the "LIKE" button at the top.
You will then receive updates including pictures, videos and stories;
the next-best thing to being here!

Welcome to our community:


Note for Congregations and Groups:
Facebook allows us to communicate in a meaningful way at no cost, meaning we don't spend your donations on print and postage!
But Facebook isn't right for everyone.
One congregation solved this by asking a volunteer to print these updates and post them on the main bulletin board--what a great way to share!
Do we have a volunteer who would like to receive news on the Mission via Facebook
--and post it for all to see?