Tuesday 10 January 2012


Youth Grade 9 to age 19 and their leaders have 4 opportunities to serve in communities in Toronto, Ontario, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Vancouver, British Columbia and St. John's, Newfoundland. While practicing the gift of discernment, youth listen to the needs of their own community while serving in another. Participate in a community focused children's program. Reach out to youth through community programming, shelters and street cafes. Support seniors and newcomers through community clean up and home projects. Practice pastoral skills through visiting. Serve the basic needs of community members through the food bank and clothing share programs.

The 11-day program, food, lodging, city travel and experiences, projects and programming are all included in the cost of $550.00. Register and pay your desposit before February 1, 2012, and pay the early bird fare of $495.00. Speak to Nan for financial support of your participation.

A 20% deposit ($100.00) per participant is required upon registration for the GO Project. Check out the Go Project information on the Youth bulletin board in the St. Mark's Hall...or ask Nan...or find more information at www.thegoproject.ca