Tuesday 10 January 2012


This is a copy of an email sent to every pastoral charge in Maritime Conference. Please speak to Nan if you are interested in receiving a copy of the email and/or the attachments. Provision of all this information provides congregations with an opportunity to study this situation, currently in the news and with many implications for the people of Cape Breton and their families who may already be working and living in the West.

To: Congregations and Presbyteries of Maritime Conference

From: Environmental Working Group, Maritime Conference Church in Action Committee

Re: Action of the 86th Maritime Conference (2011 Annual General Meeting): “Limiting the Destructive Impacts of the Alberta Tar Sands”


A quick Google search with the words “tar sands Canada news” today would reveal criticisms from around the globe focussed on the ongoing developments in the Alberta tar sands. Why is this? Where does the United Church of Canada stand in this? What can we in do in our local congregations?

You are invited and encouraged to discuss and study the action taken by Maritime Conference and the theological, ethical and environmental issues that are the basis for its position and actions. To assist in the study process, we are sending, attached, information and resources for you to share with your members.

Please find attached:

1. The action taken by the 2011 Maritime Conference Annual General Meeting re Limiting the Destructive Impacts of the Alberta Tar Sands;

2. A copy of the letter(s) written by Maritime Conference Executive Secretary to the Prime Minister, appropriate federal ministers and the Premier of Alberta re the position of Maritime Conference re the Alberta Tar Sands;

3. A copy of the Maritime Conference media release re its position and actions re the Alberta Tar Sands;

4. A sample / copy of an article in the Cape Breton Post resulting from the Conference media release;

5. A “Minute for Mission” written by Glenna Lightfoot, Visions United Church, Moncton, NB, re: “Tar Sands Development and the Right to Consent” which congregations may wish to use on an appropriate Sunday in place of one of the Mission and Service Fund ‘Minutes for Mission’;

6. A link to the United Church of Canada Ethical Principles for Environment and Development,

‘One Earth Community’ (34th General Council of the United Church of Canada, 1992) www.united-church.ca/beliefs/policies/1992/o521 ;

7. A link to the United Church of Canada Energy Policy Statement ‘Energy in the One Earth Community’(37th General Council of the United Church of Canada, 2000) www.united-church.ca/files/ecology/energy/oneearth.pdf ;

8. A link to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples www.un.org/esa/socdev/unpfii/documents/DRIPS_en.pdf ;

9. A link to relevant KAIROS, Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives, resources for further reading and information:

a. “Christian Faith and the Canadian Tar Sands”, KAIROS Discussion Paper, 2008 http://kairoscanada.org/fileadmin/fe/files/PDF/EcoJustice/Climate/Paper_OilSandsDiscussion_10Sept08.pdf ;

b. “Drawing a Line in the Sand”, KAIROS Position Paper, 2010 www.kairoscanada.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/Sust-Tar-DrawingLine.pdf ;

c. “The Land, Our Life: Indigenous Rights and Our Common Future”, KAIROS Campaign 2010-2011: Education and Action Guide http://www.kairoscanada.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/TA-LL-res-10-11-LandOurLifeGuide.pdf .

If you have specific questions or need further information/resources for clarification, please contact the Conference Church in Action Committee Environmental Working Group, convenor Linda Scherzinger, lindakseven@gmail.com and/or Conference staff support Laura Hunter lhunter@marconf.ca .