Sunday 16 October 2011

Nan's Covanenting Service, October 16, 2011

Al and the Choir made musical magic!
Rev. Donna Tourneur read the Warrant.
Rev. Heather Manuel, Chair of Presbytery, conducted the service.

Jim St. Clair recognized and dismissed the Search Committee.
Julia MacQuarrie read the Scripture
Norma Mills, DLM gave a thought provoking sermon.
Nan gives her promises to the congregations as a new minister.
Congratulations Nan, from the Presbytery.
A hug from Donna.
. . . . and from Julia.
Congrats from Karen.
 . . . . a big hug from Jim.
Maggie offers her congratulations.
Rev. Alison shakes Nan's hand.

Andy and Julia presented Nan with the symbols of Baptism.

Ian gave Nan the walking stick.
Lucille presented Nan with the teapot.
Kenzie gave Nan a Spiral Shell.
Nan gave the closing prayer.
The Symbols of our shared ministry.
The Children's Bible and Church School Curriculum.
Baptismal Bowl
Spiral Shell
Annabel and Marie helped to set up the meal. Let the dinner commence!
Time for a visit.
Waiting in line.
Connie and Ingram choose a place at the table.
Archie found lots of great food!
There was such a great turnout for this event, that extra tables had to be set up to accommodate everyone for dinner!
Ian and Yvonne go nicely together!
Yvonne captured Ingram, Dave, Camille and Bruce before they joined the line to get their dinner.
Julia and Bob
Let us eat cake!