Thursday 27 October 2011

Dear Friends,

We ask that you bring the invitation that is provided below to your congregation or church group as soon as possible. Many congregations and individuals have been asking how they can support the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Atlantic National Event coming up in Halifax, Oct 26-29th. This is one concrete response by churches that anyone can take part in. Adjust, adapt, modify it to suit your needs.

As a denomination we are committed to doing our part to make the events accessible and comfortable for the former students of Indian Residential Schools. This is a significant moment in history. "We are called to be the church…" Here is an opportunity.

Breakfast Funds: A Grassroots Gesture of Reconciliation

There is an opportunity for each member of a United Church congregation in the Atlantic Provinces to make a personal gesture of reconciliation to the survivors of the Indian Residential Schools attending the National Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) Event in Halifax. The idea is for the gesture to be small and manageable for individuals, but when put together is made great. There are four national churches who are signatories of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement: United, Anglican, Presbyterian and Catholic. A signatory indicates that those churches have promised to uphold the work of the TRC. In this Atlantic region, the four churches intend to work together – cooperate – to make a gesture of reconciliation at the National Event. It was decided that we would provide breakfasts for the survivors on three mornings of the conference.

It is an appropriate gesture: nourishment at the start of difficult days. Up to 700 survivors from across Eastern Canada are expected to participate in the four day conference. In order to serve that number, the breakfasts will be provided on site, prepared by the convention centre staff. The cost is significant: roughly $10,000 per breakfast. However, the congregations of four national churches across four provinces is a significant number of people. If I were to ask you to donate a cup of coffee to a survivor – a single cup of coffee – you might feel you could do so. If each person in this congregation donates a cup of coffee, we will quickly have __ cups of coffee. And if members of another congregation also donate a cup of coffee, we will have nearly enough for a breakfast. The same holds for a glass of juice, or a muffin. If each one of us gives the $1.50 cost of a coffee or muffin, the congregations of the United, Anglican, Presbyterian, and Catholic churches will be able to provide the breakfasts.

In the United Church, we have reflected and discussed the notion of right relations. We have discussed the value and meaning of reconciliation. But for many of us, it is difficult to know just how to respond. The TRC Atlantic Event is the perfect opportunity for a concrete response. In donating to the breakfasts, each one of us can make a gesture of reconciliation; a gesture that will be noted by first nations participants, our church leaders, federal and provincial government representatives, and the general public.

The drum will be passed …. Please give as your personal gesture of reconciliation.

(Note: A cheque for the collected funds can be made out to Maritime Conference Fund. Please do not send cash. Mail to Maritime Conference Office, 21 Wright St., Sackville, NB E4L 4P8. For additional information contact Laura Hunter, Conference Minister for Justice and Stewardship, )

For more information on other ways to participate in the TRC event in Halifax check the website ( or contact me at the Conference Office.

May we live into the many ways we express that in our communities and this region faithfully.

Laura Hunter

On Sunday, October 30th an offering of loose change will be collected during worship as the contribution of St. Mark's and St. David's to the Truth and Reconciliation gathering.