Monday 23 May 2011

Sunday, May 22nd at St.Mark's

Joyce Olive-Snair lead the service on May 22nd.

Mary Elizabeth Cameron from Leeside Transitional House was our guest speaker.

 Julia MacQuarrie test drives one of our two new railings on the steps up to the alter. Thanks to Carl MacKichan for such a wonderful job. The railings are a work of art done by a great craftsman! Our members with challenging mobility will be forever grateful to you.

 Lana wishes that the railings had been there when she had to use a cane.

 Sunday School was having a great time.

 Vida, Archie and Elaine have a discussion over coffee.

 Clark and Denis enjoyed their coffee.

 Joyce and Patsy exchange news.

 Ingram tried to get out of the picture!

Linda made coffee and tea this Sunday. Thanks Linda!