Saturday 6 June 2009

St. Mark’s Congregational Board

Being Chairperson of the Congregational Board of St. Mark’s was not in my plan for this year. However it did happen and with the continued support of committee chairpersons and members things will move forward.

St. Mark’s began the year with a financial deficit but with the hard work of many, it is disappearing. Appreciation to all in the congregation who donated and supported the recent fund raising projects, especially the conveners of the events. We are looking forward to the anniversary of St. Mark’s Church and a fellowship time following the service.
Have a safe and happy summer.

Anabel Butts

*For photos of the November meeting of the Congregational Board, see November 18th, 2008


St. David’s Official Board

The life & work in the Church at St. David’s is good. Attendance at Sunday service is good with children and members attending on a consistent basis, as well as “new faces” who attend regularly. St. David’s welcomes all to join in on Sunday services. Overall, finances are in good order. The choir showcasing their new burgundy gowns continues to make a positive contribution to the spiritual growth of those in attendance. The Easter Sunday Sunrise service was held in the sanctuary because of the cold, rainy weather. It was followed by a hearty breakfast in the Firehall. A games night, initiated by Bob Downard was held in March allowing the youth to challenge the skills of adults in the matter of reasoning & deception.

With business affairs in order, and all committees fulfilling their obligations, members can focus their attention to spiritual matters. With guidance from Rev. Legrow, we can spend time in reflection - examining who we are and in which direction we wish to travel.

Thank you all for participating in the work of St. David’s.

Alicia Vink

*For photos of St. David's Goods & Services Auction see November 25, 2008