Saturday 6 June 2009

Contact, June, 2009, Page 14

St. Mark’s Trustees & Finance Committee

T his year the new snow clearing contractor with his larger machine shaved off several sods beside the front walks, requiring repair in the spring.We are considering getting a walk-behind snow blower for clearing smaller areas and limiting the big plough to the parking lot. Besides patching the lawn, the work party also removed some of the lower tree branches to facilitate mowing under the trees with the ride-on mower.

The lights in the sanctuary have been replaced with compact fluorescents to save energy. The colour shift towards the blue end of the spectrum was quite noticeable at first, but we are getting used to it now.

The spring work party painted a line down the parking lot to guide the second row of cars from blocking access to the row nearest the building. Drivers appear to be using it as intended. The line was not easy to paint where the asphalt has crumbled but so far it has stood up to the traffic, thanks to the highway-grade paint.

Dave Chapman


St. Mark’s Mission and Outreach Committee

In February a new Mission and Outreach Committee was formed:
Chair..............................Barb MacIntyre
Co-chair.........................Rilla McLean
Treasurer.......................Ruth Laske
Secretary.......................Lorna Harvey
Observer Contact .........June Oliver
Green Enthusiast..........Rilla McLean
Presbytery.....................Irene MacIsaac
10,000 Villages.............Lana MacLean

Rev. Wayne York of West Bay Pastoral Charge, is hoping to co-ordinate an “Amazing Grace Race” with all the churches from the Inverness-Guysborough Presbytery participating. We hope his enthusiasm will be able to generate interest and “raise awareness of the pastoral charges, the ministries and the beautiful scenery within our presbytery”. He is hoping to encourage family and group participation in church activities beyond Sunday services.

On March 28th, Earth Hour Celebration Day, a fantastic evening was enjoyed when Stan & Joyce Richards along with Hughie and Connie MacEachen provided music and dance lessons to all. They had several “professional” dancers with them, who managed to help those with two left feet. The committee and friends provided a delicious lunch which we ate by the glow of candlelight, thus, taking part in Earth Hour.

Irene attended the Presbytery meetings in Baddeck and Bayfield.

The committee has provided readers for the Minutes for Mission each Sunday and the response to the Mission and Service United Fund for a United Vision has been tremendous.

The M&S Storytellers now have a scarf with the M&S colours they can wear while being an M&S Storyteller. (See page 19 for the stole in colour.)

Barb MacIntyre

Helping Hands

An extremely profitable Flea Market was enjoyed by all on Saturday, May 2nd. Following an intensive search for helpers, the day proved to be enjoyable and well worth the efforts put forth by many. There were many Helping Hands in St. Mark’s Church who willing gave of their time on Friday night and all day Saturday to make the Yard sale a success.

To all we say “Thank you”! The final total was a superb: $1015.00.

In February, 2009 the Helping Hands were able to give $1000.00 for church expenses and again in June, 2009 there will be $1000.00 given on Anniversary Sunday.

Barb MacIntyre

*For photos of the Flea Market see April 16th