Sunday 16 November 2008

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A Quilting Legacy

Once again, the quilters in Inverness County, gathered at the Causeway to celebrate the legacy of quilting on Cape Breton Island. This was the 3rd celebration in St. David’s church and one of our most successful. With Love and extraordinary beautiful quilts filling the church the tourists arrived to see the hundreds of quilts and enjoy the history of the church. The Tea Thyme Quilters of the Strait area hosted the show and provided biscuits and tea during the week. Quilts were quilted in the hall and all were invited to join in being part of the Blankets of Love. All quilters are members of the Ocean Waves Quilting Society of Cape Breton and quilts made by the quilters are Gifts of Love to the Mental Health Foundation of Nova Scotia.
The ladies of the church met the visitors at the door to pass out information about their church and the men held a barbecue each day at noon. The very beautiful United Church Heritage quilt and the Cape Breton Heritage quilt were one of the highlights of the show. The quilters also had a sale of quilted items in the hall. The funds raised by the quilters are used to conduct workshops with internationally know quilters from across North America.

We continue to celebrate “the legacy of quilting”, started during the Celebration of the Canso Causeway’s 50th Anniversary, with great enthusiasm and joy. We are delighted to be able to promote our Society of Quilters during this one week in August and we thank the congregation of St. David’s church for helping us to celebrate.

May we enjoy each year as we celebrate our heritage.

Barb MacIntyre

See August 13th Blog posting for photos of this event.