Wednesday, 6 June 2007

St. Mark’s Ways & Means Committee

Our first fundraiser for the year was on Friday, May 11th when we held a hot and cold Buffet Supper in the church hall. Folks could either eat in or take our. All the delicious food was donated and this event brought in $1,235.00. Thank you everyone who helped out in any way and thanks for replacing the pink heating bulbs with clear ones - no more pink food!

The Pringle Cans are again available in the Narthex of the church. Please take one and donate your spare change as a summer fundraiser for the General Fund. They can be returned on or before October 6th. Don’t forget to put your envelope number on the can so you may get receipted for your donation.

Members of the Ways and Means Committee for 2007 are: Anne Louise Blundon, Barb MacIntyre, Mary MacIver, Ruth MacRae, Malcolm Matheson, Marlene Morrison, Terry Morrison and Andy Palmer.

Ruth MacRae