Our Sunday School continued to use the One Room Sunday School Curriculum through the winter and spring, which suits our needs well as it including activities suited for a variety of age groups.
Our Sunday School children and Youth Group held a combined Hanging of the Greens service before Christmas. It was an absolutely beautiful service and the children and youth did an incredible job. Many thanks again to Lana MacLean, youth group leader, and Al Fougere and the Choir for their help. Thank you as well to the Sunday School teachers who assisted and Andy Palmer who helped to decorate the tree. The Church looked lovely, and our children should be very proud!
Several members of the Youth group and Sunday School took part in a Carol Sing at Sunset Manor in Port Hawkesbury. It was wonderful to hear the musical talents of our youth!
Many of the Sunday School children and youth took part in the Christmas Eve pageant. We were pleased to have Crystal Boudreau and baby Hannah play the roles of Mary and Baby Jesus.
During the season of Lent, the Sunday School teachers and children participated in the readings and extinguishing of candles. On Palm Sunday, the children took part in the palm parade and enjoyed having Reverend Pelley demonstrate how to fold their palms in to crosses.
The Sunday School has worked on making banners for upcoming baptisms, and provided the banners to the parents of those baptized throughout the year.
Sadly, we said ‘good-bye’ in April to Jeff and Bridgette Rose and family as they head to Alberta. Thanks to Bridgette for her assistance with teaching and we will sadly miss Keifer, Megan, Nicholas and Christopher in our Sunday School. We wish them well!
On May 27th, for the Sunday School closing, we held a pool party at SAERC for St.Mark’s and St.David’s Sunday School children.
A heartfelt thanks goes out to all of the Sunday School teachers and nursery helpers! Thank you as well to Al Fougere for his musical guidance and to Jane for her support throughout the year. Thank you to the CE Committee for their ongoing commitment.
We will also be saying ‘good-bye’ to Reverend and Mrs. Pelley. On behalf of the Sunday School I wish to extend a thank you to them both for their guidance and support. They will be sadly missed, and we wish them all the very best.
We hope that anyone interested in teaching Sunday School will consider it for the fall. I will be finishing my role as superintendent, and therefore, the Sunday School is in need of a superintendent. We hope that any interested parties will contact the CE Committee. The fall registration will be planned for September 9, 2007.
Heather Brander