Friday 13 March 2015


The Congregations of St. Mark’s and St. David’s
United Church of Canada
Port Hawkesbury/Port Hastings, NS
Office: 625-2229, Fax 625-3597,
Presbytery Website:
Ministers: The Whole People of God; Nan Corrigan D. M.
Minister of Music: Al Fougere
March 15th, 2015-4th Sunday of Lent

Announcements      The Work of Church and Community
The liturgy for Lent follows traditional lines though it is written in a pattern to employ a “river” theme:

R     reflect
I      invite
V     voice
E     engage
R     realize


One: The peace of Christ be with you. All: And with your spirit.

Introit      Tree of Life and Awesome Mystery, v. 4      VU 121

The Serpent of Healing?     For quiet reflection as we gather
Isn’t it interesting in today’s reading that God doesn’t take away the snakes, they remain, but the people of Israel are given a way of encountering them and surviving, a way that seems not that far from the idolatry for which they were chastised by God not so very long ago. Is this is a powerful parable regarding what it is that we need to survive the human experience?

No one is unlikely to live their lives totally estranged from fear, anxiety, and danger. Is it at the point when we look up and out of the experience that is creating fear and anxiety that we are healed?
Copyright © Wood Lake Publishing Inc. 2014 Seasons of the Spirit™ SeasonsFUSION Lent • Easter 2015 p.75


Call to Worship At the 4th bend in the river...a place of “dangers”
People of God, gather today;
in this sacred space, in this sacred moment.
For this time step aside from your daily concerns,
for here we recall the stories of faith.
Here we see God does not dodge dangerous places,
here we are called to stand and face our fears,
here we remember whose we are.

*Hymn      Come, Let us Sing of a Wonderful Love      VU 574

Lenten Triad Candle Extinguishing (Tenebrae) (Two purple candles, pink candle, and Christ candle are lighted prior to worship.)
Adult: ... Let us think also about the kind of trust Christ lived. (Pink candle is extinguished.)
Let us pray: All: You, O God, are the ever faithful one. We confess we have not understood in our heart of hearts the uncompromising forgiveness of the cross. We have not trusted in your ability to use us, even us, as builders of Shalom. O God, break through the barriers of fear which separate us from our brothers and sisters and empower us to respond with courage and conviction. Amen.

Sung Assurance    Like a Mighty River Flowing, v. 4      VU 267


Numbers 21:4–9       A bronze serpent heals the people.
One: This is the witness of the Hebrew people. All: Thanks be to God.

Psalm 107 God’s steadfast love endures forever. Pts. 1, 2 VU 831

*Hymn       Jesus Loves Me         VU 365

Opening the Word & Lord’s Prayer

Gospel Acclamation

John 3:14–21          For God so loved the world.
One: The gospel of Jesus Christ. All: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

Opening the Word 2

Responsive reading
A: From Mt. Hor they set out,
B: …travelling again, the round-about way,
A: by way of the Reed sea,
B: …not far from the beginning,
A: around the land of Edom,
B: …nowhere near the journey’s end.
A: And the people became impatient
B: …again
A: and spoke against God
B: …again
A: and against Moses
B: …that was new.
A: Why have you brought us here to die in the wilderness?
B: …for they had been slaves in a rich land.
A: There is no food and no water
B: …though there was both, running springs and manna that fell from heaven.
A: We detest this miserable food
B: …the food that was provided to them as a blessing from God.
A: God sent serpents
B: …poisonous snakes
A: and many people died;
B: …was that God’s intent?
A: So the people came to Moses
B: …who had always listened to them and intervened
to God on their behalf
A: and acknowledged their transgression
B: …against God and Moses.
A: So Moses prayed for the people and God heard Moses’ prayer
B: …but did not take the snakes away.
A: God instructed Moses to make a serpent of bronze and put it on a pole
B: …and when a person was bitten
A: if they looked up
B: …they would live.
A: This is their story
B: …and we recall it with gratitude as we take our place in the eternal flow of faith.

God, we acknowledge our humanity, for when we are in danger we experience fear, when we are in intimidating places we become anxious, when times are tough, our endurance is low and we fall into a culture of complaint. More often than not, when our journey is rough we travel a round-about way. But here we would take time to stop, to look up, to take stock, to recognize your loving presence in our lives, to truly see the blessings given to us, and to once again choose love over fear, light over darkness, joy over despair, life over death. Amen.


*Hymn        Because He Lives        Printed

Minute for Mission

Offering Our Gifts to God

*Offering Prayer
Bless these gifts that we give today, for we lift our eyes and see there is much we can do to bring about wholeness and healing in our world. May they contribute in bringing light to dark places. Amen.

Prayers of the People
Response: Spirit of God, flow in and around us, flood us with compassion and understanding so we will no longer need be beholden to fears and anxieties, but that we may be awash with the light that wipes away fear and shadows. Amen.


*Hymn             Pass Me Not, O Gentle Saviour             VU 665

One: As you leave this sacred space,
remember God stands with you in shadowed
and dangerous places.
Remember your sacredness,
remember your place in the eternal flow of life,
realize that when the road is tough, God’s love
is steadfast and overcomes every fear.
All: We will flood the world’s shadowed and dangerous
places with the love of God that is stronger than fear.

*Choral Amen