Saturday 15 December 2012


December 16

Luke 3:7–18

“[John] answered, ‘whoever has two shirts must share with the one who has none, and whoever has food must do likewise’” (Luke 3:11).

In Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol Ebenezer Scrooge
initially refuses to give money to help the “poor and
needy.” However, after his experience with the Spirits,
during which he discovers what the birth and presence of
Jesus Christ are all about he changes his mind, and offers
a major contribution. This is not merely a nice thing to
do at Christmastime, but is something we are called to
do year round. It involves not just giving clothing, food,
and other items to those who need them, but speaking
out for justice and fairness for all God’s children as well.
How can you do that?