Monday 8 November 2010

Farewell to the LeGrows

St. Mark's and St. David's Held a Combined Service
Sunday, November 14th at 9:30 in St. Mark's.

Following the service a Farewell Social was held to wish
Rev. LeGrow and Mrs. LeGrow all the best as they leave our communities
to take a new position in Gander.

Jean & Rilla were the Greeters

The combined choir sang with
great gusto.

St. Mark's Christian Education Committee along with
ladies from St. David's organized the feast.

Larry was the MC for the event.

Malcolm made the gift presentation of Cape Breton tartan
lambswool scarves and a purse of money from St. Mark's.

No! - It's too short for a kilt!

Ian presented the gift of money from St. David's.

The Sunday School gave a delightful handmade gift.

Sheldon and Christine were presented with a Cape Breton address book so that everyone could sign their names and give their addresses and emails.

With all the speeches and last visits there was no time to eat, so the LeGrows had take-out!