Wednesday 1 April 2009

Mission and Outreach- Fun Night

Mission and Outreach - Fun Night
St. Mark’s Church Hall, Saturday,
March 29, 7:00-9:00pm

The Mission and Outreach Committee planned a very successful Fun Night, fulfilling their duties of Ecumenical Relationships and Church in Society.

The Fun Night was an evening full of fun with Stan Richards and his wife Joyce teaching and leading us in the moves of Scottish Country Dancing. Stan and Joyce brought along 3 more couples from St.Peter’s who helped us to move with grace and dignity around the turns and twirls. Stan brought his music and expertise to teach all levels of dancing skills. Hughie and Connie MacEachen also brought their high-quality music and led us into the Inverness Squares. It was an enjoyable evening for all who were brave enough to “get-up” and learn a new dance and also for those who enjoyed watching the dancers go by! Many thought they were going to be entertained (Rev. Sheldon?) but rather all enjoyed being the evening entertainment.

Not knowing how many to plan for was a bit scary; but as it turned out we were well supported by our congregation and it was especially nice to have a great number arrive after Mass at St. Joseph’s. Following a few sets of dancing, Earth Hour was celebrated and the lights went out. The votive candles were lit and tea, sandwiches and sweets were served to the crowd from the kitchen window. The Mission and Outreach Committee and friends provided a plentiful lunch and thank all who helped to make it so successful.

Plans are in the works for the next Fun Night: watch for the date…….!

Barb MacIntryre
Chair, Mission & Outreach