Saturday 24 May 2008

Minister's Message

It’s hard to believe. At the end of May, Chris and I will have been here nine months; almost a year. Autumn has turned to winter and winter to spring. In that time we’ve seen baptisms and funerals in our churches. Life is manifested in physical form and leaves it again.

Life is about transitions. It’s about spiritual growth and evolution; accepting “what is” but also engaging in the process of transformation.

Since we’ve been here Chris and I have visited about 120 members of both pastoral charges. We’re slowly coming to understand some of the commonalities and differences of the two communities. We’re understanding family relationships within the communities and we’re learning some of the history of those relationships as well as learning some of the history of the Strait area.

As we continue to visit we would like to hear about your spiritual journey. When were the times you felt abandoned by God? When were the times you felt God very close to you? How has your faith sustained you through the years? It is a privilege to share time and conversation with you in your homes and we look forward to more visits.

As you read the contact you may notice some photographs of our youth group that I took during their 30 Hour Famine and sleep-over. It was good to have them all present at Christmas and to have them participate in the Earth Day service. We are planning a visit to the nursing home in the near future as well as other activities.

What a wonderful and energetic group! It’s a joy to be around them. Let’s always ensure we make them feel welcome and let them know that they are a special presence within our churches. They have their own ideas as they are start out on their spiritual paths. Though there are things we need to teach them, there are also things we can learn from them. Let us each be open to each other’s ideas. Their energy and spirit is vital to the community.Finally I’d like to say “thank you” to those who serve. If I named you all, I’d miss someone, but I’ll mention all those who serve on committees in various functions; those who prepare lunches for funerals and other receptions, those who have a ministry of music and singing, those who maintain the property, those who serve communion and more.

Everyone plays a part, and I am grateful to be able to serve with you as we minister together.

Blessings and peace,
Rev. Sheldon