Friday 30 November 2007

St. Mark’s Congregational Board

The short dark days of fall have arrived, but on a brighter side our church community has taken on new energy with the fall activities and the arrival of Rev. Sheldon LeGrow and his wife Christene to the Pastoral Charges. They are settling in nicely, have made numberous contacts through visitation and community events and we look forward to their Ministery here. We of course were saddened by the departure of Rev.Wilf and Melita Pelly but know that they also are happy in their new home.

The nominating committee of the Board is now preparing to bring in the new slate of officiers for the year 2008. It is hoped that many will offer for another term but also that new people will come forward with an interest in serving on one of the committees.

I would like to thank those who helped me through my year as Board Chairperson especially Ruth, as Board Secretary, Jane as Church Secretary, and the Committee chairpersons.

We are now entering the Season of Advent so let us remember the true meaning of the Season as we celebrate with our families and friends.

May God richly bless us all through out the Season and the coming year.

Annabel Butts