Saturday, 1 August 2015


The Congregations of St. Mark’s and St. David’s
United Church of Canada
Port Hawkesbury/Port Hastings, NS
Office: 625-2229, Fax 625-3597, e-mail:
Presbytery Website:
Ministers: The Whole People of God
Minister: Nan Corrigan D. M.
Minister of Music: Al Fougere
August 2nd 2015-10th after Pentecost

Announcements The Work of Church and Community


One: The peace of Christ be with you. All: And with your spirit.
Introit              O God We Call                  x2, 2nd time quietly VU 411

Call to Worship In two voices

Pilgrim Prayer
We are invited to say a Pilgrim Prayer out loud each day in the 40 days of the Prayer Pilgrimage leading up to General Council 42, along with the specific prayer for the day. This prayer was created in 2010 by Allison Rennie and Diane Ransom and said aloud each day while walking the Camino de Santiago. We are also invited to pray this prayer during each day of General Council.
May I love this day and all that it brings
The dust, stones or mud beneath my feet
The air I breathe, food I eat, water I drink
May I open my heart to mysteries along the way
Greet fellow pilgrims with welcome and grace
Move lightly and simply through the day
May I give thanks for the Earth, our fragile home
For all my relations who have gone before me
And for all who will follow... I am not alone
May the spirit and blessing of the One who is love
- Holy One among us, all around us, and within us -
Be with me today, and surround me with love Amen

* Hymn             Jesus, Come to Our Hearts                VU 324

Prayer for Vacation Bible Camp
Holy God, you gave the commission to go into all the world sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ and teaching all that you commanded us. Bless all of the churches who welcome children in your name to wonderful weeks of Vacation Bible Camp. Bless the teachers and volunteers who will lead, encourage, and build relationships with your children. 
Use us in whatever ways you can to be a blessing in your holy name. Amen.
Written by Elaine Bidgood Sveet, First Presbyterian Church, Moorhead, Minn. Gathering, Pentecost 1 2015, page 40. Used with permission.


2 Samuel 11:26—12:13a              Nathan’s story shows David the truth.
One: Herein is Wisdom. All: Thanks be to God.

Psalm 51           Put a new heart in me, O God              Ref. 1,VU 776

*Hymn                   Tell Me the Stories of Jesus            VU 357

Opening the Word/The Lord's Prayer

Ephesians 4:1-16 Monologue & questions for reflection

What does the passage teach about how Christians are called to embody God’s goodness?

Which parts of this passage might be most challenging for Christian communities? Which parts might provide encouragement? How does it speak to our congregation?

Where in your life have you helped to build up the Body of Christ? When have you experienced being built up?

The Gospel Acclamation

John 6:24–35 What truly satisfies human hunger and thirst.
One: Herein is Good News. All: Praise be to God.


* Hymn               Halle, Halle, Halle                 VU 958

Minute for Mission & Offering Our Gifts to God

*Doxology                   In Gratitude and Humble Trust               VU 544

Prayers for the Pilgrim Prayer for Day 35 – Sunday, August 2
Oh God,
Help me hold the experiences of the journeys I have taken before in my life with gratitude. Let my awareness grow of how all of these past journeys, filled with both challenges and joys, have brought me to this moment. A different moment, a different journey, an invitation to pilgrimage with others. 

As I take steps in this pilgrimage, help me be aware of any preplanned destinations I have created and help me notice the choices I make based on getting to these destinations. When obstacles come into my path, remind me that you are with me.  Help me to see the choices I have – to either work through the obstacles before me or be open to a new path. 

Let the fear of where my step will fall be held in suspension until the step is real. Be with me in my reflection on the steps I have taken. Help me examine my fear to see if it was real. If my fear was real, help me take a step in another direction. If my fear was false, help me let it go so that it is not part of the next step I take. Let me have compassion for fellow travelers who are busy choosing the direction of their steps.

Let every feeling of each moment, every sight, sound, taste and smell become part of this pilgrimage. As I step into each moment, I am thankful you are with me. Amen.
Brian Mitchell-Walker, Regina, Sask. Greenbelt Pilgrimage participant, EDGE Coach and Consultant. Used with permission.
* Hymn                Go Now in Peace                        Printed
* Commissioning/Sending Out
As we leave worship today, may these words from the letter to the Ephesians remain ringing in our ears:
...lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bear­ing with one another in love, making every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”
Let it be so.

*Choral Amen