2015 Federal Election Kit
Use our 2015 Federal Election Kit
[PDF: 32 pp/473 KB] to learn more about key election issues and their connection with faith and to help you and your faith community participate fully in the democratic process. The kit includes
- connections to the election for worship, study groups, and children and youth
- background information on election issues
- questions you can ask candidates
- instructions for planning an all-candidates meeting
- tips for using the media (including social media)
Introduction (to the Election Kit)
What do you care about? Is it climate change? Peace? Refugee rights? Regardless of which issues matter
most in your life, the 2015 elections will have an enormous impact on them. Now more than ever, all faith
voices need to be heard in the political process. It is our right and duty to participate in forming a
government that reflects the will of its people.
Your vote will make a difference. Matters such as Aboriginal rights, health care, and poverty are concerns
for every community in our country. The more we know about how our faith and values can influence
government policies, the better chance we will have to transform our own and others’ lives for the
common good. We witness to our faith in a just and life-giving God in the public arena by advocating for
justice and peace. This is our faith and our vote.