Thursday, 27 August 2015


FundScrip will return September 6th. Order Sundays in September will be September 6th and 20th and Delivery Sundays will be September 13th and 27th.

September Promotions are as follows:

M & M Meat Shops                                  4% (Regular 3%)
Gap, Banana Republic, Old Navy             7% ( Regular 5%)
Pizza Pizza                                            12% (Regular 10%)

In 2014 FundScrip earned approximately $1300.00 with 12 supporters ordering on a regular basis. FundScrip earned $290.75 in the first quarter and $425.25 in the second quarter for a total of $716.00 to date in 2015. The third quarter numbers will not be high as the program was suspended for two months this summer. In order to meet or exceed the earnings from 2014 we are urging more individuals and/or families to join this program to help keep the church within its budget. 

Please contact Patsy Brander at 902-625-1062 or Bonnie Dawson at 902-625-3838 if you have any questions or if you wish to join this program.