The theme for the 42nd General Council comes from the last few pages of the biblical story in Revelation 21:5. The text “Behold, I make all things new” reminds us that all creation is in a constant process of change; that the church is always being reformed, called into new ways of being; and that God is at the very heart of this transformation. We are not alone.Logo
The logo says pretty clearly that we’re meeting in Newfoundland, but let your imagination play with the symbols. Think of
God's circle of love that holds us;
of the currents and waves that carry us forward, through storm and in calm;
and of the fish, Jesus Christ, who is in our midst, who is on the move,
and who invites us to put down our nets into the deep,
to fish on the other side;
to follow him…even when it means stepping out of the boat!
of the currents and waves that carry us forward, through storm and in calm;
and of the fish, Jesus Christ, who is in our midst, who is on the move,
and who invites us to put down our nets into the deep,
to fish on the other side;
to follow him…even when it means stepping out of the boat!