Monday, 26 May 2014


The Congregations of St. Mark’s and St. David’s
United Church of Canada
Port Hawkesbury/Port Hastings, NS
Office: 625-2229, Fax 625-3597, e-mail:
Minister: Nan Corrigan D. M.
Minister of Music: Al Fougere
May 25th, 2014-6th Sunday of Easter


Meditation: Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back.                                 Plato (c.429-c.347 BCE)

Processional: (Please stand)
Come, Let Us Sing of a Wonderful Love” VU 574
Announcements: The Work of Church and Community


Passing the Peace of Christ
The Peace of God be with you.
And with your spirit
Let us greet one another with the peace of Christ.

Introit:We Are One” VU 402   (Please remain standing)

Call to Worship:

Come let us sing to God our song.We come to sing of our faith.
Come let us sing of God’s great love.
We come to sing that we are loved.
Come let us hear the words that God’s love is for all people.
We come to hear and be challenged by that song of the Great Love.
Come let us learn how to proclaim this love.
We come to listen, and to learn to sing new songs in new keys.
Come, pray the songs that are in your hearts.
Hymn:Come In, Come In And Sit Down” VU 395
(Please be seated)
Music plays an important part in our lives. We listen to it in our cars, at home, and wherever we have the radio on. What role does the music of faith play in our lives so that we may be instruments of God’s blessing in the world?

Hymn: “Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying"   VU 400

Let us pray (all)
We come together with gladness and gratitude, Loving God, that you have chosen humanity to receive your mercy and compassion. We come to praise you and confess our love for you in song, thankful for the ways that your Spirit has touched the hearts of lyricists and musicians who put our thoughts, concerns, and dreams to music that we can offer back to you. Between the notes, Listening One, hear our stories that we weave among the words that touch our lives through song. Amen.
(please be seated)

Choir:Take Now My Voice”

Invitation to Confession: “Spirit of Life” VU 381
(Please be seated)

Prayer of Confession: Let Us Pray
God of Light and Strength, you offer us the best of life ----- knowing that we are safely embraced by your love, understanding and forgiveness.
Remind us of the simple joys of life that we might go on with a smile on our faces, peace in our hearts, a tune in our heads and a commitment to your ways for this world…… (silence) Amen.

Solo:He Touched Me” Roy


A reading from the Old Testament: Ecclesiastics 3: 1-13

Psalm: Psalm 66 Refrain 2, Part 1 VU 784

Hymn:Make A Joyful Noise” VU 820

Gospel Acclamation

Gospel Reading: Luke 6: 20-31

Hymn: “Blest Are They” VU 896

Solo: “Pie Jesu” Paula
(Merciful Jesus, who takes away the sins of the world, grant them rest)
Presentation of Offering:
Music from our lips, gifts from our hands,
Love from our hearts, Receive all these, O God, as holy gifts.
We ask it in Jesus’ name. Amen

Choir:Glorify Thy Name”

Doxology: (Please stand)
Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow” VU 541

Prayer of Dedication: Let Us Pray
God of Joy and Love Divine, receive all we offer you this day. Enrich our lives through the gifts of your Spirit, that we may faithfully follow the way of Christ. May we serve you and one another with conviction and courage, joy and freedom, with a song on our hearts and smile upon our faces. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Our Father” VU 960

Benediction and Commissioning:
And now with a song in our hearts, our faith strengthened, and our community stronger for our presence in it, let us leave this time and place of worship to be God’s people in all the places life calls us to be. May the music of our lives bring God praise and glory. Amen

“Go Now In Peace”
