Friday, 16 May 2014


The Congregations of St. Mark’s and St. David’s
United Church of Canada
Port Hawkesbury/Port Hastings, NS
Office: 625-2229, Fax 625-3597, e-mail:
Minister: Nan Corrigan D. M.
Minister of Music: Al Fougere
May 18th, 2014-5th Sunday of Easter-Affirming Ministries

A thought around which to gather as we worship-”The welcoming movement offers a place of hospitality for those in the church open to God's whisper of a new thing. It witnesses to the lives of those seeking to take seriously the incarnation, God's good creation, and sexuality and sexual orientation as part of that good creation. In so doing, it stands in the tradition of Jesus, who overturned religious and social traditions that diminished people's status as children of God. It stands with Jesus in refusing to accommodate that which excludes whole groups of people. It stands with Jesus, who saw himself as an outcast in his own land, and with a God who grants protection to the outcast. And it affirms and witnesses to the belief that God's grace is available to all.”
From Shaping Sanctuary: Proclaiming God's Grace in an Inclusive Church,
edited by Kelly Turney. Copyright ©2000 by Reconciling Congregation Program.
Reprinted by permission.
Announcements The Work of Church and Community


One: The peace of Christ be with you. All: And with your spirit.
* Introit Kum ba yah, my Lord—2nd time Come by here, my Lord

Call to Worship

One: Come- worship the One who calls us into a relationship of love, more intimate than our dearest friendship, more lasting than the tides of the ocean and more beautiful than the span of heaven on a clear night.
All: For I have formed you, my beloved one, says our Creator,
and I walk beside you each moment.
One: I have called you by name, you are mine.
All: For you are my chosen people, even before your first babble sounds, I knew your thoughts.
One: You are precious in my sight and honoured, says God.
May we accept the invitation to know this ancient love – completely.
Opening Prayer (together)

Creating God, what did we do to earn your love? When we wake up in the morning you are there to greet us, when our lives are filled with grief and angst, you wrap us round in your arms of light. Before we were born you envisioned our lives fulfilling your purpose and you gave us the skills to do so. When we came to birth you echoed our birth cries with murmurs of joy resounding through the universe. Open our hearts to receive this everlasting love, and teach us to respond in praise. Amen.
* Hymn Let Us Build a House Printed

Prayer for Wholeness
Lover of beauty and of the winter sky, with sunrises deep red fading into yellow, frost that plays at the edge of the window’s light and
jewels that dance in the new fallen snow, you remind us again of how much you are in love with variety.
In the arid desert, cactus blooms of every colour follow the rain, life clings to the edge of the deep ocean volcano, new stars burst forth with vibrancy and energy, lichen of every colour line the earth of the tundra.
There are birds to sing and turtles to crawl, worms to till the ground, lady bugs to fly away home and butterflies that move from pupae to flight.
If we take delight in these great and playful works that came from your deepest dreams, why do we object when human beings are made with the same array of difference?
Different colours of skin and hair, voices high and low - some to sing and some to shout for freedom.
A full spectrum of sexual diversity: straight, gay, and some whose bodies erase strict gender lines.
Some celebrate the Spirit in drums, others make statements with turbans and burke, still others worship in silence.
We turn to all that is filled with grace and reverences the sacred to remove our prejudices, and draw us in by the Spirit’s voice to that place of acceptance that allows us to grow. Amen.
Words of Affirmation


1 Peter 2:2–10 A living stone…chosen and precious in God’s sight

This is the witness of the early church. All: Thanks be to God.
Psalm 31          I trust in you, you are my God.      Pts.1, 3 VU 758
*Hymn           What a Friend We Have in Jesus           VU 664
Opening the Word & The Lord’s Prayer
The Gospel Acclamation
Matthew 22: 1-10 The Wedding Banquet
This is the gospel of Jesus Christ. All: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Reflection We’re Already Welcoming, So Why Become Affirming?
Readings from Open Hearts: Resources for Affirming Ministries in The United Church of Canada, Alyson C. Huntly, pp. 11-14
Copyright © 2011 Affirm United/S’affirmer Ensemble


* Hymn           The Church’s One Foundation            VU 332
Minute for Mission
Offering Our Gifts to God
*Offering Song Lyrics: R. Mitchell-Walker (Used by permission)
Your love, O God, to all You show.
We, gathered here, commit to grow.
We offer You these gifts, that we
may celebrate diversity.            Tune: Old 100TH

Prayers of Our Heart


* Hymn           Go to the World            VU 420
* Commissioning and Benediction
Go, as Easter people, living stones,
each unique, called and chosen,
precious in God's sight, building a new community,
working together to show God's mercy, truth and love.
We go to live God's love in the world.
*Choral Amen

Worship material prepared by Affirming Ministries Committee, Saskatchewan Conference, 
United Church of Canada for Affirming Ministries Sunday, 2009.