Monday, 30 September 2013

St. Mark's Congregational Board Meeting Report, September 17, 2013

Committee Reports


Last Communion we served 75. Our next Communion we be October 6th, which is also World Wide Communion Sunday.

There were two Baptisms during the summer. August 4th MacKenzie Nicole Marie Briggs daughter of Evan David Briggs  and Krista Danielle Oicle  was baptized. August 14th Paul Kenneth Jackson son of Jillian (Evans) Jackson and Ian Jackson was baptized. 

We are pleased to have been asked to have two more baptisms. Norah Irene Langdon daughter of Elizabeth (Langley) Langdon and Bob Langdon, and Jax Xavier Spencer son of Channelle Lillian MacInnis and Everett Mitchum Spencer.

September 29th will be the 5th Sunday and also the day we will join St. David's to celebrate their anniversary. Holy Trinity Anglican Church will be there to celebrate with us. There will be a potluck following the service.


St. Mark’s Sunday School registration will be October 6th.  Natasha will place an announcement in the community bulletin in the papers and also in the church bulletin in hopes of generating some interest.

Heather and Nan are discussing a possible trial school class for Wednesday night for the months of October, November, December to be revisited after October to see how it is progressing. Heather will continue with classes on Sunday morning during this time.

We had a short discussion on a few ideas to bring children back to church, such as: sports day, music and social, movies, fashion event—these ideas were to bring them into the church, not to hold a religious meeting at that time.  We will have more discussion later.

Heather says the new Sunday School material has arrived and she and Natasha will alternate months for Sunday school.

There is need for small presentation banners as we have Baptisms coming up in the near future, one in November (Jackson Spencer-November 3rd) and the other to be decided at a later date.

Thanks Nan for the wonderful Graduation Service in June.

The Digital Directory is not yet completed, there are still a few photos to be added.When this is done, names may be added or deleted as the need arises. It will be a living record of our Church family.

Camille will be looking for reports from committees for the Blog after congregational meetings.

The next chair will be Barb LeLacheur.


Lana Maclean will again be in charge of the TenThousand Villages Sale which is scheduled to be held October 19th. She expressed an urgent need for volunteers to help set up, cashiers and a clean-up crew, as she is away attending AST in Halifax.

There is a need for someone to co-ordinate and schedule the Minutes for Mission readers.


Andy and Clark will get the furnace ready for winter. A new battery in the remote for the cross lights did not solve the problem. Andy will check with the supplier. The manse deck needs a new coat of stain, but we have to remove the mould first. We missed sending out an Anniversary letter, so a thanksgiving letter will be sent instead.


We met on September 15 with sixteen present. We were asked by the Ways and Means committee to hold another fundraiser this autumn. After consultation with Jim George, we decided to have a roast loin of pork dinner on October 4. Some felt that this would be less attractive than roast beef but the benefit of diversification and avoiding conflict with dinners scheduled already were thought to justify taking this risk.


Special Events invites those interested in planning and working on the annual Christmas Bazaar to meet over a light lunch at St. Mark’s Hall at noon on October 7th. Without support in the planning, this event may not be possible.


A letter from Maritime Conference was discussed. It requested a commitment for financial support  to reduce the debt incurred in building the new Conference Centre and Archives building in Sackville. The suggested pledge, based on three different calculations was of the order of $10,000 to $12,000 from St. Mark’s. Clergy and Presbyters have already been canvassed to help deal with this debt and now the appeal has come down to the grassroots - the individual pastoral charges and congregations. The letter was tabled pending further discussion.