Friday, 13 September 2013


Participating through leadership in worship this morning are:
Organist: Al Fougere
Fiddler(St. D.): John Pellerin
Greeters (St. M.): Donnie & Jean Mac Pherson
(St. D.): Amanda Cass, Donald Mac Gregor
Lay Reader (St. M.): Joyce Oliver-Snair
Lay Reader (St. D.): Michael Hatt
Collectors (St. M.): Donnie & Jean Mac Pherson,
Brenda Smith, Linda Howlett
Collectors (St. D.):
Counters (St. D.): Malcolm Parsons, Heather Graham

Monday 9-12 noon
Tuesday 9-12 noon
Wednesday 9-12 noon at St. David’s You may drop by for a coffee.
Thursday 9 – 12 noon
Friday – Minister’s Day Off

Food Bank donations are received on the last Sunday of the month.
Suggested Food Banks donations: Peanut butter or Cereal.

Copies of “The Upper Room” for Sept.-Oct. are available.

Upcoming Events to mark on your calendar:
September 22  Guest worship leader Sue Betuik
September 29  St. David's Anniversary Service and "5th Sunday" Worship-Guests St. Mark's and Holy Trinity Anglican congregations, 11:00 a.m. Potluck lunch to follow with cake, ice cream and beverages provided.
October 6  World Communion Sunday. Sunday School begins at St. Mark's
October 11  Fishcakes and Beans Celtic Colours Supper, Port Hastings Firehall
October 13 Thanksgiving Sunday
October 20 Sunday School begins at St. David’s. Call the church office to register.

Prayer Shawl Knitting Circle Knitters and crocheters gather together in the parlour of St. Mark’s on the 3rd Monday of each month. Monday, September16th will be our next time of gathering at 1:00 p.m.

Emergency Response  Syria Refugee Emergency Appeal

ACT Alliance is asking its members, including the United Church, for nearly $20 million to support its work with those affected by war in Syria. It has been working with Syrian refugees since the conflict began. The United Church has already distributed a total of $90,000 for the humanitarian relief work of our partners in the region, drawing either from the church’s Emergency Response Fund or our equity in the Canadian Foodgrains Bank.

Also, the Canadian government is seeking to resettle in Canada 1,000 Syrian nationals currently located in Lebanon and Jordan. It has invited the United Church to help find homes for some of the refugees.

More information on the United Church of Canada response to the situation in Syria and how to donate can be found online at this link:


The next FundScrip order will be placed Sunday, September 22, 2013 and the gift cards will be returned Sunday September 29th.
Orders will be sent biweekly on Sundays and gift cards will be returned the Sundays following the orders. FundScrip order forms and envelopes are now available in the narthex and can be found in a green folder labelled FundScrip. Bonnie and Patsy will be available after church on the Sundays in September to answer any questions you have regarding FundScript.

HOW TO PLACE AN ORDER - Complete the information on the order form, choose the gift cards you wish to purchase and total the cost of the order. Put the order form and payment in a sealed FundScrip envelope and place on the plate during collection. Payment may be cash or cheque made out to St. Mark’s United Church with a notation FundScrip order. No post-dated cheques please. Your order must be paid before it can be sent.
If you are unable to attend church please deliver your orders, payment included, in sealed Fundscrip envelopes to Patsy or Bonnie in time to be sent with the orders on the designated Sundays. Orders with payment included, in sealed Fundscrip envelopes, may also be given to Jane during St. Mark’s weekly office hours. If you are unable to attend church on gift card delivery Sundays please make arrangements with Patsy to receive them.
If you have any questions or would like more information about this program you may call Patsy Brander at 625-1062 or Bonnie Dawson at 625-3838. You may also like to visit the website for FundScrip at


If you need a ride to church during the month of September, call Dave Chapman at 787-2610
Please make your Courtesy Car request well in advance if possible. Sunday Worship requests should be made by the evening before
or by 8 a.m. Sunday morning at latest.

St. Mark’s Lay Readers:
September 22nd – Larry Evans
September 29th – Connie Fowlie

Tuesday, September 17th – St. Mark’s Congregational Board Meeting – 6:30 p.m. Executive, 7:00 p.m. Committees, 8:00 p.m. Combined Board

Girls Night Out  
October 5th at 6 o’clock at  St Mark’s. 
A Fun Evening of fashion, live music, refreshments, and with your admission of $5 dollars a chance to win Cindy Day's book, Grandma Says  and a hand made Larch wood cutting board. Tickets at the door or from Valli--625 0576, Annabel 625 0741, Jeanne 625 0609


St. David’s Lay Readers:
September 22nd – Iaian Langley
September 29th – Kenzie Mac Lean

Church Hall Cleaners for Sept.: Catherine Mac Lean & Lynn King



Tatamagouche Centre Events: 
Sacred Space, Common Ground
September 19-23, Thur 7 pm to Mon 1 pm
Face to face and faith to faith, a gathering which draws upon the gifts of diverse faith traditions and focuses on places of commonality and potential collaboration.
Leadership: Amir Hussain, Tim Scorer, Martha Martin (PRG) and local inter-faith leaders.
Contact Tatamagouche Centre: or 1-800-218-2220

Labyrinth and Leadership
September 20-22, Fri 7pm to Sun 3pm
This workshop is an opportunity for leaders to come together and deeply reflect on their leadership and what leadership means to themselves and to others. The Labyrinth is an ancient tool used for meditative practice and through the use of the labyrinth, and through leadership sessions, the participants will have an opportunity to ignite the core of how and why they lead. Ideal for all walks of life and experience levels.
Leadership: Dr. Joan McArthur-Blair and Dr. Jeanie Cockell, Co-Presidents of Cockell McArthur-Blair Consulting.
Contact Tatamagouche Centre: or 1-800-218-2220

Terry Fox Run 2013 Today at 1:00 pm at Port Hawkesbury Civic Centre. Come join us to walk, run or bike 1 km, 5 km or 10 km and help support the Terry Fox Foundation for Cancer Research!  Register online at or just show up at the Civic Centre. For more information to participate or to volunteer, call Sarah at 625-5405. No minimum entry fee. Raising pledges is optional. Donate what you can and join the fun!

Indoor Flea Market, Havre Boucher Community Centre, October 12th, 10-1. Over 50 tables booked! For more info contact Denee Mattie at or 232-2274 or Denise Deon at 234-2633 Lots of new and used items, bake tables and more!

Workshop:  Spirituality Made Easy. Wed. Sept 25th. Holy Trinity Anglican Church.  Twice that day: 1:30-3:00 pm and then in the evening 7:00-8:30