Saturday, 24 March 2018


The Congregations of St. Mark’s and St. David’s
United Church of Canada
Port Hawkesbury/Port Hastings, NS
Office: 625-2229, Fax 625-3597, e-mail:
Presbytery Website:
Ministers: The Whole People of God   Minister: Nan Corrigan D.M.
Minister of Music: Al Fougere
March 25th, 2018-Palm Sunday

(1 purple and 1 white candle are lit on Lenten triad)


*The Gospel Acclamation (from within the congregation)

*Choral Reading of Scripture: Mark 11:1-11 

One: When they were approaching Jerusalem,
All: at Bethphage and Bethany, near the Mt of Olives,
One: Jesus sent two of his disciples into the village
All: to find a colt that had never been ridden,
One: with the strange instruction that if anyone were to ask what they were doing
All: they were just to say, “The Lord needs it.”
One: So they went
All: and found the colt
One: and while they were untying it a bystander asked,
All: “What are doing, untying the colt?”
One: and they told them what Jesus said
All: and they were allowed to take it to Jesus.
One: They threw their cloaks on the colt’s back and Jesus sat on it
All: even though he knew that the colt had never been ridden before.
One: So he rode into Jerusalem,
All: and some people spread their cloaks on the ground
One: while others spread leafy branches in front of him
All: and they made a royal pathway.
One: The people were shouting, “Hosanna!”

*Hymn He Came Riding on a Donkey VU 124

*Placement of Palm Branches

One: The people were shouting, “Hosanna!”
All: ...a word that implied they needed saving
One: “Blessed is the one who comes in the name of our God the Ruler of Israel”
All: as if Jesus was the one who would be their salvation.
One: “Blessed is the coming kingdom of our ancestor David”
All: as if he were their king.
One: He entered Jerusalem and went into the temple, looking all around.
All: Why?
One: We don’t know. The story just says it was late so he went back to Bethany with his disciples.
All: Back to where the day had started?
One: Maybe to return the colt.  


One: The peace of Christ be with you. All: And with your spirit.

Opening Prayer

God of love and compassion, we celebrate your joyful and disruptive entry into Jerusalem. In that same way we anticipate, with expectant hearts, your presence in this place. We come, knowing your love has arrived and is made manifest in Jesus the Christ. We come, prepared to be changed by the grace we receive in your love. We come, with our whole being to prepare the way for the coming of love incarnate. 
One: Hosanna in the highest! 
All: Hosanna in the highest! Hosanna in the highest! Amen!

*Hymn  Hosanna, Loud Hosanna VU 123 

Call to Confession

Lenten Tenebrae: Praying Our Confession with the Psalms

Palm Sunday-Psalm 118
“Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord” (Psalm 118:26a). Blessed is our God who chose to walk this path of life. Blessed is our Creator who yearned deeply to understand creation. And blessed is the One, full of mercy and love, who calls us into this humble time of confession. Let us pray:
All: In our distress, we cry out, “Hosanna! Hosanna! God save us!” We are quick to join the parade, God; quick to find hope and joy in the waving of the branches; quick to forget where this road leads. Forgive us for longing to remain on the surface of our faith. Forgive us for not digging deeper in this wilderness time. Forgive us for being fearful of the dark days ahead, of wanting to avoid them. We know that in order to understand the full joy of Easter’s life, we must feel the full sorrow of Good Friday’s death. And yet we are tempted to turn away. Forgive us for turning away, God: from you, from your church, from the people you love. 
Silent confession as sixth candle is extinguished. 
As we enter this Holy Week… 
All: we rejoice that your light will remain ever before us, guiding our steps. We celebrate that your Spirit remains behind us, pushing us forward that we may gain new levels of understanding. Blessed are you, Holy God, blessed is your steadfast love and blessed are we who call upon your name in hope. Amen.
Written by Nora Vedress, Calvary U.C., Prince Albert, Sask. Gathering, Lent/Easter 2018, p.65. Used with permission

Sung Assurance: May God’s Sheltering Wings    (her, his) MV 214


Philippians 2:5–11       He humbled himself

One: This is the witness of the early Church. All: Thanks be to God.

 Psalm 118 With palm branches in hand   Pts. 1, 3, 4 VU 837

*Hymn    This Is the Day                  VU 412

Opening the Word  A Palm Sunday Rap & Lord’s Prayer

Chorus: Ho Ho Sanna, Jesus comin’ to town! (three times)

Opening the Word 2   


* Hymn    Prepare the Way of the Lord VU 10

Minute for Mission & Offering Our Gifts to God

*Offering Prayer

Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession  


* Hymn All Glory, Laud and Honour VU 122

*Commissioning and Benediction 

There is a tradition that Palm Sunday is the beginning of a one-week-long service through Holy Week so there is no Amen, just words of encouragement and invitation to gather again next time.