Thursday, 29 March 2018


The Congregations of St. Mark’s and St. David’s
United Church of Canada
Port Hawkesbury/Port Hastings, NS
March 30th, 2018-Good Friday
St. David's United Church 11:00 a.m.

Life Prevails-God's Love Endures  For quiet reflection as we gather
Enter the drama of Lent and Easter – which is everything. It is the whole of the gospel – dying, rising, and living. It is heartbreakingly real, authentically true, and totally transformative. We often think of Lent as a dark moment in the church year – a movement into the centre of our hearts, to examine, simplify, and prepare for Christ’s death. And his is no peaceful death. It is unexpected and brutal and much too soon. How can we ever prepare for such a loss?
Instead of turning inward, the texts direct our gaze to God’s signs of covenant and blessing stretching across the sky, echoing through the generations, pouring from the heavens, and calling throughout the nations. And when we finally look inward, we find amidst the brokenness God’s law of love written upon our hearts.
We may never be ready for the searing pain of loss, but the scriptures remind us that life prevails. God’s love endures.
About Lent and Easter 2018 Seasons of the Spirit™ SeasonsFusion Lent • Easter 2018 
Copyright © Wood Lake Publishing Inc. 2017, p. 1

Introit   When I Survey the Wondrous Cross VU 149

The Cross is carried in during the singing.


Opening Prayer

Ever-present God, as we start once again to follow Jesus on the way
to the cross, we are apprehensive; for we are not sure of ourselves.
On our journey we have often been afraid, often sought safe options, often avoided the sharp solution.
On our journey we have often tried to hide our real selves from others, from ourselves and from you.
We, who dare to say we are following Jesus, know how faltering
are our footsteps, how delicate our discipleship, how feeble our faith.
Yet you still call us by name and invite us into your company and onto your road.
Grant us the courage and the commitment we need; help us to look out for one another on the road; show us how we may share the duty and joy of discipleship, knowing that, in the end, it is you who accompany us on the road. Amen.

Draping of the Cross


The tension Matthew 27:27-36       The Soldiers Mock Jesus


Our hearts ache: Our hearts are filled with grief, O God.
You are invited to come forward and touch the cross and/or shroud, dip your fingers in the waters of baptism and service. 

Hymn    Jesus, Remember Me VU 148

Touching the shrouds which lie around our lives  Matthew 27:45-51

Lenten Tenebrae: Praying Our Confession with the Psalms

Good Friday-Psalm 22 (Revisited)
“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” These words pierce the silence of this day...It is with great humility, then that we lay at the foot of the cross the confessions of our hearts. Let us pray:
All: Holy God, you are so far beyond our understanding and yet so close to our hearts. How is it that you would love us so deeply, so faithfully, when we so often fail you? It is impossible for us to understand. On this sacred day when we are called to face the death of Jesus, our hearts, like wax, melt in our breast. We are sorry for the ways we turn from you, God. We are sorry for the many things we put ahead of you. We convince ourselves that this day is just a story, holding no real meaning, and yet in this space we feel his pain, his confusion, his doubt. As the smoke rises from this last candle, help us remember the love he called us to and the light he longed to share with this world. 

Silent confession as white Christ candle is extinguished. 

The shadows are all around us and yet your love, O God, remains forever bright. 
All: Shower us with forgiveness and move always in our hearts that even when we are broken, we may know the healing Christ offers; that even when we feel alone, we may know the community the Spirit calls us to; that even when we are bound by our guilt and anger, we may know the freedom the Creator blesses us with. Thanks be to God this day and always. Amen.

      Written by Nora Vedress, Calvary U.C., Prince Albert, Sask. 

Gathering, Lent/Easter 2018, p.66. Used with permission.

Sung Assurance: May God’s Sheltering Wings    (her, his) MV 214

During this prayer, times of silence for personal prayer are offered. There will also be a time to name aloud the people and situations that we hold in prayer. 

*Hymn    Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?  VU 144

Profession of faith – wait in faith Matthew 27:55-61



Wait in faith now, people of God.
And if your faith runs low,
touch the hands of those around you
who also sit and wait beside the tomb.
All: We will wait in faith, Jesus Christ.
Hold near to you the people of ages past –
those who had nothing but faith to sustain them.
Wrap the bodies of need with shrouds of loving kindness
while you wait as though you, too, hold the Body of Christ.
All: We will wait in love, Jesus Christ.
Roll the stones of determination 
into the paths of those who would destroy hope
and sit before the sanctuaries of good to guard the truth.
All: We will wait in faithfulness, Jesus Christ.
Wait in faith over these next three days.
Wait in hope for the risen life of God to visit the people in grace.
Wait in openness for gifts beyond imagining.
For this is the Christ, the Human One
whose love will never be defeated.
All: We will wait in hope. Amen

*Hymn Lift High the Cross VU 151


*Commissioning and Blessing