Friday, 3 April 2015


April 5

Mark 16:1–8

Alleluia! Christ is risen! But at the beginning of today’s
Resurrection scripture, we meet Mary Magdalene, Mary
the mother of James, and Salome grieving the loss of their
friend and teacher, and on their way to anoint Jesus’ body.
They find an empty tomb and an angel who tells them
Jesus has risen! Their lives are forever changed. What do
we do with that life-altering news today? What is our role
in the ongoing story of Jesus’ resurrection?

This week, live out the Easter story by being a sign of new

life for someone. Give an Easter basket to a homebound or
elderly neighbour, offer a word or sign of hope to someone
in despair, make a donation to a life-giving nonprofit
organization, or invite someone to church.

Head and shoulders photo of Gary Paterson

The Moderator's Easter Message