Saturday, 18 April 2015


Participating through leadership in worship this morning are:

Organist: Al Fougere

Lay Reader (St. M.): Judy Castle

(St. D.): Julia Mac Kinnon

Greeters & Collectors (St. M.): Denis Bernard, Earl West

Greeters (St. D.): Bruce Oliver

Collectors (St. D.): James Mac Fadyen,

Ashley Mac Leod


Monday 9-12 noon, Nan at St. Mark’s

Tuesday 9-12 noon, Nan at St. Mark’s

Wednesday 9-12 noon Nan at St. David’s, Jane at St. Mark’s

Thursday 9 – 12 noon Jane at St. Mark’s

Friday – Minister’s Day Off, 9-12 noon Jane at St. Mark’s

Prayer Shawl Knitting Circle Knitters and crocheters gather together in the parlour of St. Mark’s on the 3rd Monday of 
each month. Next time of gathering is April 20th at 1:00 p.m.
Copies of “The Upper Room” for May-June are available.
Food Bank donations received on the last Sunday of the month.
Deadline for Bulletin information is Thursday at noon.

Indoor Curling at St. Mark's Hall, Wednesday, April 22nd,

6:15- 7 p.m.  This will be the last one for this year. Margie is 

offering drives with stops along the way to Truro on April

25th. Contact Margie at 625-1361 to make arrangements.

Wednesday, April 22nd – 10:30 a.m. – Service at the Nursing Home. Please note change of date for this month only.

Nan will be away for Continuing Education (National Gathering of the Diakonia UCC and Music and the Arts in Worship, Emmanuel College Continuing Education) from April 26th to May 9th. Worship leadership on April 26th provided by Sue Betuik; May 3rd by Lorna MacRury. Rev. Heather Manuel, Guysborough and Mulgrave Pastoral Charges is providing pastoral care.



St. Mark’s Welcomes You! Refreshments in the church hall following worship—please join us!
There is a quiet nursery space above the stage in the hall—reached via the stairs by the church office door. There you will find toys, change table, crib, rocking chair for your use. We’re so glad you came today.

St. Mark’s Courtesy Car: Contact person for the Courtesy Car is Andy Palmer. His telephone number is 625-2748.

FundScrip FundScrip order Sunday April 19th and Delivery Sunday will be April 26th, 2015. Promotions for April are as follows:
Wayspa                       12%  ( Regular 10% )
Chapters-Indigo           7%    ( Regular 5% )
Cabela’s                      7%    ( Regular 4% )
Please contact Patsy Brander at 902-625-1062 or Bonnie Dawson at 902-625-3838 if you have any questions.

June 14th – 11:00 a.m. St. Mark’s Anniversary Service. Joint Service

50th Anniversary!
In 2016, St. Mark’s will be celebrating their 50th Anniversary—want to be part of the planning for this special year? Signup sheet in the entry to the church or contact the church office.

Lay Readers:
April 26th – Sarah Chiasson
May 3rd – Larry Evans
May 10th – Julia Mac Quarrie
May 17th – Archie Noseworthy
May 24th – Connie Fowlie
May 31st – Malcolm Matheson

April 21st – St. Mark’s Congregational Board Meeting: -6:30 p.m. Executive, -7:00 p.m. Committees, -8:00 p.m. Combined Board


Lay Readers:
April 26th – Arnold Mac Lean
May 3rd – Bob Downard
May 10th – Julia Mac Kinnon
May 17th – Dave Pringle
May 24th – Mary Jess Mac Donald
May 31st – Malcolm Parsons

St. David’s UCW Have placed a box in the narthex for new or gently used womens & children’s scarves, mittens, gloves, hats and or socks. These will be sent to the Brunswick Street Mission in Halifax once enough have been collected.

Hall Cleaners for April are Heather Graham and Grace Pilgrim

May 11th – 7:00 p.m. St David’s Session Meeting

Yard & Bake Sale on Saturday, May 30th from 8:30-12 noon.

June 7th – St. David’s Official Board Meeting following Worship.

June 14th – 11:00 a.m. St. Mark’s Anniversary Service. Joint Service NO Service at St. David’s.

Anyone wanting to book St. David’s Church Hall is asked to contact Catherine Mac Lean at 902-625-0891.


Friday, April 24th from 11AM-1PM Cold Plate Dinner at St. Mark’s Church hall. $10.00 Eat in or take out. All proceeds to Girl Guide Camp.

Saturday, April 25 from 9-12 noon ; Breakfast at the Evergreen Club.

Community Kitchen Group sponsored by GASHA Mental Health Services. Come help prepare and enjoy a healthy, well balanced, budget friendly meal at St. Mark’s United Church, 504 Bernard St., Port Hawkesbury on May 12th & June 9th from 11:00-1:00 p.m. Phone (802)867-4500ext. 4345 to pre-register. Transportation can be arranged if needed. Please advise of any food allergies.

Relay For Life – The Canadian Cancer Society’s 2015 Strait Area Relay for Life will be held at the Tamarac Education Centre in Port Hawkesbury on Saturday, May 30th from noon until midnight. The Strait Area Relay for Life invites cancer survivors to participate in the Canada Cancer Society’s free Survivor Dinner and victory lap on the day of the Relay. The Survivor Dinner (5pm) will be catered by Louis Boudreau at the Port Hawkesbury Fire Hall. After the dinner, the Survivors will be transported to share and celebrate success in their battle against cancer and give hope to people living with cancer and their families. To sign up for these free events, please contact Denise Chiasson 902-631-3751 or Donna George 902-625-3505. To keep up-to-date with team fundraisers and more, you can find un on Facebook by searching Strait Area Relay for Life. Be part of the Canadian Cancer’s Society’s 2015 Strait Area Relay for Life on Saturday May 30 in Port Hawkesbury!

Motown Memories with the Inverness County Singers and the Young County Singers on Saturday, May 9th at 7:30p.m. at St. Mark’s United Church, Port Hawkesbury; Waterfront Centre, Whycocomagh on Thursday, May 7th at 7:30 p.m. and Thursday, May 14th at St. Mary’s Parish Hall, Mabou. At 7:30 p.m. Director: Laurel Browne, Accompanist: Lawrence Cameron, Band: Neil Campbell, Bass, Neil Mac Quarrie, Drums

Job Opportunity: Vacation Bible School Coordinator

The United Church of Canada Inverness-Guysborough 

Presbytery is seeking a coordinator for a Vacation Bible 

School program during the summer of 2015. You will 

coordinate five week-long day camps in different locations in 

our the area (Guysborough, Port Hawkesbury, Margaree,

 Whycocomagh, Baddeck). This position includes three 

weeks for preparation.

For further information on job profile, please consult the 

Contact Online or bulletin board.

This is an eight week, full time position (35 hours per week).

Hourly rate: $13 per hour

Start date: June 22

Apply to: Christian Life and Growth Committee

c/o Alison Etter

PO Box 156

Baddeck NS B0E 1B0


Please include contact information for three references with 

your application. If you are selected for this position, you will 

require a completed Criminal Record and Vulnerable Sector 


Deadline for Applications is April 30