Saturday, 19 October 2013


The Maritime Conference
The United Church of Canada
L’Eglise Unie du Canada

Maritime Conference Office
21 Wright Street, Sackville, NB E4L 4P8
Tel. (506)536-1334 • Fax (506) 536-2900 • Email:

June 2013 

Re: Maritime Conference $3 million fundraising project

Dear Port Hawkesbury: St. Mark's Pastoral Charge,

Within the organization of The United Church of Canada, each layer of our conciliar system has unique responsibilities and authority. Conference offers support and encouragement to the work of congregations and Presbyteries/Synod in matters of faith formation, spiritual growth, justice seeking, resources, stewardship, personnel, mission, finance and administration. Conference also has the responsibility to represent the interests and insights of the region within our denominational structure, the General Council, and to interpret and implement the decisions and initiatives of the General Council in our region. For these purposes, the Conference has staff and an office.

One other thing that Maritime Conference does is maintain an Archive for the purpose of retaining and preserving the records that tell the story of our churches through the years, and to make those records available for research purposes by the church and by members of the public. The tradition of keeping an Archive began with our Presbyterian (1866) and Methodist (1903) forebears, and has been repeatedly reaffirmed by Conference. The value of the Archive is established by its usage, as well as by the continued contribution by churches of documents to be held. The result, over the years, is that each time the Conference has expanded the Archive space, it has rapidly filled up. This most recent expansion of the Archive was done with the expectation that it would not fill up for at least 25 years.

In September 2012, the new $3 million Conference Centre at 21 Wright Street, Sackville, NB, was officially opened.

For more information on the Conference staff, the Conference office and the Conference Archive, please visit, and click on “About Us.”

The Fundraising Project
The project began with the direction from Conference to focus on gifts from individuals. The preparatory study interviewed over 70 church leaders throughout the region and predicted a high degree of success for the $3 million fundraising objective. Over the last 18 months, donations and commitments of approximately $600,000 have been received. We celebrate this progress; however, this progress has not been sufficient to keep pace with the financing costs for the new building. In May 2013, the Conference Annual Meeting approved that the fundraising project should be expanded to include requests for gifts from congregations.
What would be an appropriate and “fair” objective for each Pastoral Charge? What does $3 million look like when spread over 500 congregations? That is a decision best made by each congregation. To help you with your discernment, here are some numbers for your consideration, using the data submitted by your Pastoral Charge in the annual statistical forms (2012). In each case, the sample objective for your Pastoral Charge is calculated in proportion with the whole Conference. For example,
  • Port Hawkesbury: St. Mark's Pastoral Charge reported 85 people, on average, attending worship (line 20). On this basis, your objective could be $10, 786.80 or $3,595.60 per year over the next three years.
  • Port Hawkesbury: St. Mark's Pastoral Charge reported spending $109,822.00 on Pastoral Charge operations (line 40). On this basis, your objective could be $11,278.04 or $3,759.35 per year over the next three years.
  • For 2013, Presbytery assigned to your Pastoral Charge a Conference allocation of $2,425/77. On this basis, your objective could be $11,295.70 or $3,765.23 per year over the next three years.

These numbers are offered simply as examples of ways an objective could be calculated. You will need to make the determination about what is appropriate in your circumstances. You could also consider if the objective is an amount that would be raised immediately, or spread out over the suggested three years.

While Pastoral Charges work away on their objectives, the fundraising team will continue to work on securing individual contributions from within, and, particularly, from beyond the “regular” United Church family. Commitments from individuals and congregations that show strong support for the project will help strengthen the position of the fundraising team as they continue to seek donations from “external” sources. A strong response in donations and pledges now will promote positive results. Progress towards the goal of raising $3 million will be regularly updated on the Conference website.

Fundraising ideas
A variety of excellent fundraising ideas have been offered. A selection are offered below. Please develop a plan that will work the best in your situation, using the skills, interests and abilities of your community.
  • Memorial hymn sing service with donations made to dedicate a particular hymn in honour of someone special. Offering to be collected during the service.
  • Fundraising dinners – spaghetti, turkey, beef, lobster, corned beef and sauerkraut.
  • Dinner theatre, talent show, movie night.
  • Invite each person to make a specific monthly offering using PAR. For example, using the worship attendance figures above would mean $3.53 extra per month per worshipper, for three years.
  • Discern if there are individuals who could be invited to make a significant donation towards your objective. Think of ways that special recognition or commemorative designation could be given to these gifts.
  • Visit the Conference webpage for fundraising to see some of the options for making commemorative gifts in honour of someone special in the life of your congregation: sponsor an item in the kitchen, a “chair” in the meeting room, dedicate a room of the building. (Contact the Conference Office for more information.)

Thank you for your consideration of this important moment in the life of the United Church in the Maritime Conference region. While it is clearly understood that congregations support the work of Conference through the annual allocation, this additional request is necessary to allow us to collectively eliminate this debt and continue to focus on the mission priorities in our region.

Responses made by the end of October will assist the fall meeting of the Conference Executive in their deliberations. Without the support of these voluntary contributions by individuals and congregations, there will be little choice but to look again at allocations. The Conference Annual Meeting in May, empowered the fall meeting of the Conference Executive to re-evaluate the financial situation in light of the commitments that are made by congregations before the end of October. So, as soon as possible, please let us know what your congregation/Pastoral Charge has decided to do and over what time frame.

With prayers for God’s blessing upon all of our work and ministry…

The Maritime Conference Fundraising Team: Ruth Gamble, Ivan Gregan, David Hewitt, Jane Johnson,

Stephen Mills, Barb Prowse, David Thorne, Donna Tourneur