Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Nan C at GC43 Day 3

Prayer for Ending the Day
Gracious God,
you are our source and you are our end.
As I end this day,
I thank you for the privilege to serve your church.
I give thanks for your wisdom
and the presence of your Spirit;
and I ask for forgiveness where I was impatient,
or where I was quick to judge.
I give this day over to you in trust.
Help me to sleep easy
and to be still in the knowledge that you are God.

By Ryan Slifka, St. George's U. C., Courtenay, B.C.
Iridesce Theatre Play was a moving presentation of the Living Apology project and highlighted the stories that have been gathered about the 1988 decision by the United Church to affirm the full inclusion of LGBTQ+ folks. Link to YouTube video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_WPStoEeD0

International partners and ecumenical guests are with us for General Council and were introduced this morning.