Sunday, 15 July 2018


Ministering through leadership in worship this morning are:
Organist: Al Fougere
Lay Reader: Amy MacKillop
Mission Moment:   Yvonne Fox
Greeter: Donnie Mac Gregor
Collectors: Sally Fox, Heather Deschenes
Counters (St. M.): Wayne Simpson, Shelly Mac Neil 

Monday & Tuesday  9-12 noon, Nan at St. Mark’s
Wednesday 9-12 noon, Nan at St. David’s
Thursday 9-12 noon, Jane at St. Mark’s
Friday Minister’s Day Off, 9-12 noon, Jane at St. Mark’s

Summer Worship Schedule

July worship at St. David’s, Port Hastings  9:30 a.m. 

August worship at St. Mark’s, Port Hawkesbury 9:30 a.m. (includes Sunday, September 2nd)  

During July & August Jane will be in the office on Thursday and Friday Mornings from 9-12 noon.

Worship Leader:  on July 22nd will be Margie MacIntyre
     on July 29th will be Erin Hart-Breen

Rev. Nan Corrigan is fulfilling her covenant to the wider church and will be away from the pastoral charge for 2 weeks to work at the General Council of the United Church of Canada as clergy commissioner from Inverness Guysborough Presbytery. Nan will be away from July 18th to 31st. During this time, Rev. Heather Manuel of Guysborough is covering pastoral care.

No Nursing Home Service during  July. Rev. Nan is not available as she is away.

Deadline for information for the bulletin is Thursday at noon.

Copies of the “UPPER ROOM” for July-August are available.

Food Bank donations are received on the last Sunday of the month. The Food Bank is in need of plastic grocery bags.

COOKIES FOR BERWICK CAMP...  If you would like to donate cookies for the 'Cookie Cottage', please contact Margie MacIntyre 902.625.1361 for pick up of cookies at St. David's on Sunday,July 22nd.

PHOTOS FOR NATIONAL CHURCH BULLETINS AND CALENDARS... Please consider submitting photos for United Church Bulletin covers and our church calendars. For more information, access or see the posters available from the church office.


Lay Readers:
July 22nd –  Rosemary Morrell
July 29th – Haley Mac Fadyen

Second Sunday Lunch Join us for fellowship and food on Second Sundays of each month as we gather in a local restaurant to share lunch together. Everyone welcome. We will meet in the hall right after worship to arrange carpooling if needed. 



Collection Counters/Recorders Needed - Please sign up. The load gets lighter when many helping hands participate.

"Hello All, An agreement has been reached with the Lodge regarding their use of the former quilting room. They would like to begin using the room this month. If you or your group have any items or material stored there, that you would like to keep, can you please arrange to remove same from the room at first chance? Any materials left in the room after  Friday, July 20/18 will be considered surplus & will be disposed of. Thank you, Clark Brander, Chairman, Trustees & Finance Committee"

Lay Readers:
August 5th – Malcolm Matheson
August 12th – Barb Mac Intyre
August 19th – Archie Noseworthy
August 26th – Bruce Corrigan
September 2nd – Joyce Oliver-Snair 

The Fundraising Committee would like to announce due to the combined events held last weekend i.e. Quilt Show and Dessert Tea, Yard and Bake Sale and BBQ sale of hot dogs also the reception meal for the late Susan Marguerite Piscatello a total of $2513.60 was realized. Many thanks to all who contributed their time and talents to this effort. We have recovered 2/3 of the money lost earlier in the year. 
SuperNOVA Science Workshops 
Port Hawkesbury - Fri, July 20 / 10:30am  Interactive & high-energy STEM workshops, featuring exciting demonstrations, interactive experiments & fun hands-on activities. learn about robotics by programming mini, color-sensing robots called ozobots to follow maps we draw for them!  

SuperNOVA is a not-for-profit initiative that promotes science, engineering, technology and mathematics (STEM) to youth from 5 to 18 years of age. Workshops are delivered by highly-trained Dalhousie University science and engineering undergraduate students, who share their curiosity and enthusiasm with young people across the province.  Ages: 8-12  Maximum Participants: 20 kids. Space is limited, contact Library to register. 902-625-2729  Length: 60 minutes  Admission is free. 

Port Hawkesbury Ceilidhs  Tuesdays @ 7:30 - 9 pm at Civic Centre 606 Reeves Street. 

Admission: $10.00/ Students (under 16)/$4.00 Children (under 5) free  Season Pass $80 (6 free Ceilidhs)    Free Tea & Oatcakes...while they last 

July 17  Glenn Graham | Kinnon and Betty Beaton | Gerry McDaniel 

July 24  Wendy MacIsaac | Mac Morin | Brian MacDonald & Family 

July 31    Joe MacMaster | Dara MacDonald | Adam Young | Steve MacIntyre | Claire & Regyn MacDonald 

Aug 7 Mabou: MacNeil & MacQuarrie Families 

Aug 14   All Fired Up | Harvey Beaton 

Aug 21   Shelly Campbell  | Allan Dewar | The Broussards | Rankin MacInnis 

Aug 28     Rodney MacDonald | Kenneth MacKenzie | Joel Chiasson | Darrell Keigan | Jenny MacKenzie   

Sept 4     Michael Hall | Cullen MacInnis | Joanne MacIntyre & Family | Betty Beaton 

Sept 11   Dawn and Margie Beaton | Pat Lamey | Heather Richards   

Sept 18    Mac Morin | Joe MacMaster | Hailee LeFort | Lisa Cameron | Vern MacDougall 

Sept 25    Melody Cameron | Derrick Cameron | Gillian Head | Joel Chiasson | Lewis MacLennan | Rita Rankin   

Oct 2      Pre Celtic Colours Show: Troy MacGillivray | Shelly Campbell | Allan Dewar | MaryJane Lamond | Sabra MacGillivray and the Celtic Touch Dancers