Thursday, 26 July 2018

Nan C at GC43 Day 5

Today we began by hearing from Global Partner Dr, Isabel Apawo Phiri, Deputy General Secretary of the World Council of Churches (WCC) during morning worship 

At Petroglyphs Provincial Park for afternoon excursion. The medicine wheel at entrance to the interpretative centre.

Indian tacos served by Curve Lake elders as they welcomed us to their powwow grounds beside the lake.

Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Nan C at GC43 Day 4

This is the "Painted Pew", painted at the Festival of Faith and brought into the meeting space this evening. It is a pew as old as the United Church (93 years) and we were encouraged to sit down on it for awhile as we had evening worship. Tonight we had a Sunset Service for the Conferences and Presbyteries, as we move to a new governance structure ratified by remits and this GC. It was a Celtic Service of Anointing Prayer in which commissioners were anointed by Conference Presidents and Executive Secretaries.
Maritime Conference Presidents at this General Council: Catherine Stuart, Catherine MacDonald, Gloria Churchill, Ross Bartlett, Ivan Gregan

Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Nan C at GC43 Day 3

Prayer for Ending the Day
Gracious God,
you are our source and you are our end.
As I end this day,
I thank you for the privilege to serve your church.
I give thanks for your wisdom
and the presence of your Spirit;
and I ask for forgiveness where I was impatient,
or where I was quick to judge.
I give this day over to you in trust.
Help me to sleep easy
and to be still in the knowledge that you are God.

By Ryan Slifka, St. George's U. C., Courtenay, B.C.
Iridesce Theatre Play was a moving presentation of the Living Apology project and highlighted the stories that have been gathered about the 1988 decision by the United Church to affirm the full inclusion of LGBTQ+ folks. Link to YouTube video at

International partners and ecumenical guests are with us for General Council and were introduced this morning.

Monday, 23 July 2018

Nan C at GC43 Day 2

Prayer for Ending the Day
God of silence, peace, and rest, thank you for this day. As I close my eyes and start to dream, I ask you to be with me as I enter the realm of sleep, allowing my spirit and mind to process the work we did today. It is challenging, O God, to sort and sift through it all. I pray that when I rise tomorrow, my mind is clear and my spirit renewed. We want to do the work of love, the work of being the body of Christ in your world. Grant all of us clarity and harmony as we strive together to discern your voice and your presence as we move through being and becoming your beloved United Church of Canada. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen

By Lorraine Ashdown, St. Andrew's Wesley U. C., Vancouver B.C.

Lawrence and Roy are part of Nan's table group and are seen listening to tonight's panel discussion.
Michael Redhead Champagne spoke passionately about his work in North End Winnipeg with indigenous youth. His message was a call to action, to repentance and reparation, to hope.

Gathering for the Alvin Dixon Memorial Run/Walk this morning. Enthusiastic participants but it was raining and everyone got ver

Saturday, 21 July 2018

Nan C at GC Day 1 Festival of Faith

Day One of GC43 begins for me with a walk in the conservation area around the urban forest in the midst of Oshawa. Above picture is over the pond just after sunrise. This is the starting day for General Council, beginning this morning with the Festival of Faith and workshops. At 4:00 this afternoon we get together for first business of Council.

As you can see I am figuring out how to post pictures and other stuff onto the blog from my little tablet. More to follow.

Peace to you
Nan C

Prayer for Beginning the Day
We breathe and know that you are God,
          united as your people in this place.
We breathe and know that you are God,
          filling us with your breath of life.
We breathe and know that you are God,
          even in our inevitable moments of exhaustion.
We breathe and know that you are God, 
          not us.
We breathe and know that you are God.

By Matthew Heesing, M. Div. Student at AST,
Serving Diamond Valley P.C., Turner Valley, Alta.

General Secretary Nora Saunders and Moderator Jordan Cantwell call plenary together
General Council prepares to begin

Book room at General Council

 Meeting in UOIT Recreation and Wellness Centre...under renovation
Festival of Faith...painting a pew

Today I attended one of the workshops  being offered at the Festival of Faith, "Becoming Fabulously Affirming", stopped to listen to Janne Mark perform on the main stage, strolled through the Marketplace and visited the bookroom. We met as a whole group to learn more about the new process this GC is using for decision making (and to try out the electronic voting devices each commissioner was given).

Friday, 20 July 2018

Nan C at GC

I have arrived in Oshawa and settled into my residence room at University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Durham College. General Council 43 begins with a Festival of Faith tomorrow.
I have never posted to this blog from my tablet before so am not sure if I can post pictures yet. I will try later.

For now, I am posting the morning prayer provided by gathering in A Prayer Resource for the 43rd General Council 2018. 

Prayer for Beginning the Day
Holy One, as I prepare for this day of the 43rd General Council, help me prepare to serve you and serve the church. Grant me the strength to honour my personal truth, even when it may be unpopular or difficult to share. Help me to let go of the thoughts I hold that are driven by fear or anger. Work through me to express gratitude and joy for all the many ways I will be blessed by the church today.

God, show me where I have failed to look. Open my heart to that which I have been unable to feel. Keep me focused on the details where your love can be infused. Keep me focused on the bigger picture of the church--the gathering of those who wish to follow Jesus. Keep me focused, keep me present. In Jesus' name, Amen.

By Michiko Bown-Kai, East End United Church

Sunday, 15 July 2018


Ministering through leadership in worship this morning are:
Organist: Al Fougere
Lay Reader: Amy MacKillop
Mission Moment:   Yvonne Fox
Greeter: Donnie Mac Gregor
Collectors: Sally Fox, Heather Deschenes
Counters (St. M.): Wayne Simpson, Shelly Mac Neil 

Monday & Tuesday  9-12 noon, Nan at St. Mark’s
Wednesday 9-12 noon, Nan at St. David’s
Thursday 9-12 noon, Jane at St. Mark’s
Friday Minister’s Day Off, 9-12 noon, Jane at St. Mark’s

Summer Worship Schedule

July worship at St. David’s, Port Hastings  9:30 a.m. 

August worship at St. Mark’s, Port Hawkesbury 9:30 a.m. (includes Sunday, September 2nd)  

During July & August Jane will be in the office on Thursday and Friday Mornings from 9-12 noon.

Worship Leader:  on July 22nd will be Margie MacIntyre
     on July 29th will be Erin Hart-Breen

Rev. Nan Corrigan is fulfilling her covenant to the wider church and will be away from the pastoral charge for 2 weeks to work at the General Council of the United Church of Canada as clergy commissioner from Inverness Guysborough Presbytery. Nan will be away from July 18th to 31st. During this time, Rev. Heather Manuel of Guysborough is covering pastoral care.

No Nursing Home Service during  July. Rev. Nan is not available as she is away.

Deadline for information for the bulletin is Thursday at noon.

Copies of the “UPPER ROOM” for July-August are available.

Food Bank donations are received on the last Sunday of the month. The Food Bank is in need of plastic grocery bags.

COOKIES FOR BERWICK CAMP...  If you would like to donate cookies for the 'Cookie Cottage', please contact Margie MacIntyre 902.625.1361 for pick up of cookies at St. David's on Sunday,July 22nd.

PHOTOS FOR NATIONAL CHURCH BULLETINS AND CALENDARS... Please consider submitting photos for United Church Bulletin covers and our church calendars. For more information, access or see the posters available from the church office.


Lay Readers:
July 22nd –  Rosemary Morrell
July 29th – Haley Mac Fadyen

Second Sunday Lunch Join us for fellowship and food on Second Sundays of each month as we gather in a local restaurant to share lunch together. Everyone welcome. We will meet in the hall right after worship to arrange carpooling if needed. 



Collection Counters/Recorders Needed - Please sign up. The load gets lighter when many helping hands participate.

"Hello All, An agreement has been reached with the Lodge regarding their use of the former quilting room. They would like to begin using the room this month. If you or your group have any items or material stored there, that you would like to keep, can you please arrange to remove same from the room at first chance? Any materials left in the room after  Friday, July 20/18 will be considered surplus & will be disposed of. Thank you, Clark Brander, Chairman, Trustees & Finance Committee"

Lay Readers:
August 5th – Malcolm Matheson
August 12th – Barb Mac Intyre
August 19th – Archie Noseworthy
August 26th – Bruce Corrigan
September 2nd – Joyce Oliver-Snair 

The Fundraising Committee would like to announce due to the combined events held last weekend i.e. Quilt Show and Dessert Tea, Yard and Bake Sale and BBQ sale of hot dogs also the reception meal for the late Susan Marguerite Piscatello a total of $2513.60 was realized. Many thanks to all who contributed their time and talents to this effort. We have recovered 2/3 of the money lost earlier in the year. 
SuperNOVA Science Workshops 
Port Hawkesbury - Fri, July 20 / 10:30am  Interactive & high-energy STEM workshops, featuring exciting demonstrations, interactive experiments & fun hands-on activities. learn about robotics by programming mini, color-sensing robots called ozobots to follow maps we draw for them!  

SuperNOVA is a not-for-profit initiative that promotes science, engineering, technology and mathematics (STEM) to youth from 5 to 18 years of age. Workshops are delivered by highly-trained Dalhousie University science and engineering undergraduate students, who share their curiosity and enthusiasm with young people across the province.  Ages: 8-12  Maximum Participants: 20 kids. Space is limited, contact Library to register. 902-625-2729  Length: 60 minutes  Admission is free. 

Port Hawkesbury Ceilidhs  Tuesdays @ 7:30 - 9 pm at Civic Centre 606 Reeves Street. 

Admission: $10.00/ Students (under 16)/$4.00 Children (under 5) free  Season Pass $80 (6 free Ceilidhs)    Free Tea & Oatcakes...while they last 

July 17  Glenn Graham | Kinnon and Betty Beaton | Gerry McDaniel 

July 24  Wendy MacIsaac | Mac Morin | Brian MacDonald & Family 

July 31    Joe MacMaster | Dara MacDonald | Adam Young | Steve MacIntyre | Claire & Regyn MacDonald 

Aug 7 Mabou: MacNeil & MacQuarrie Families 

Aug 14   All Fired Up | Harvey Beaton 

Aug 21   Shelly Campbell  | Allan Dewar | The Broussards | Rankin MacInnis 

Aug 28     Rodney MacDonald | Kenneth MacKenzie | Joel Chiasson | Darrell Keigan | Jenny MacKenzie   

Sept 4     Michael Hall | Cullen MacInnis | Joanne MacIntyre & Family | Betty Beaton 

Sept 11   Dawn and Margie Beaton | Pat Lamey | Heather Richards   

Sept 18    Mac Morin | Joe MacMaster | Hailee LeFort | Lisa Cameron | Vern MacDougall 

Sept 25    Melody Cameron | Derrick Cameron | Gillian Head | Joel Chiasson | Lewis MacLennan | Rita Rankin   

Oct 2      Pre Celtic Colours Show: Troy MacGillivray | Shelly Campbell | Allan Dewar | MaryJane Lamond | Sabra MacGillivray and the Celtic Touch Dancers 

Thursday, 12 July 2018


Not able to attend worship at St. David's United Church, Port Hastings on July 22nd? Why not watch the Opening Worship of the General Council of the United Church of Canada online in the comfort of your home or cottage or campsite...wherever you might find yourself on July 22nd at 11:00 a.m.? United Church YouTube channel.

Look for Nan Corrigan, D.M. in the congregation. Nan will be there as clergy commissioner from Inverness Guysborough Presbytery. Worship on July 22nd at St. David's will be led by Margie MacIntyre and on July 29th by Erin Hart-Breen. 

GC43 Opening Worship: Sing and Pray with 2,000 People

Something special is happening at the 43rd General Council (GC43) this year. Moderator Jordan Cantwell invites you and your congregation to the opening worship service on Sunday, July 22 at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Time (11:00 a.m. Atlantic Time)

Imagine how wonderful it would be to sing and pray with up to 2,000 people!

We hope visitors from churches in and nearby Oshawa, Ont. as well as people from across Canada will join us. Please consider relocating your service on Sunday, July 22 and worship with General Council commissioners, visitors, and international and ecumenical guests.

If you are unable to attend the opening worship in person, follow the service online with the GC43 livestream on the United Church YouTube channel.

All Native Circle and Bay of Quinte Conferences are co-hosting GC43. This unique collaboration will be beautifully embodied in our opening celebrations, and reflected throughout the week.

Let’s celebrate God’s presence together.

The 43rd General Council is being held on the campus of the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) located at 2000 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa, Ont., from Saturday, July 21, through Friday, July 27.

We hope you will be able to join us in person or online for some (or all) of this exciting week.



Indigenous Ceremony, Edge of the Woods, Opens Worship at GC43

Elder Grafton Antone will begin Sunday worship at GC43 leading the Indigenous Edge of the Woods ceremony, which starts at 9:45 am.

“All Native Circle Conference (ANCC) is co-host of GC43, and the Moderator and General Secretary both expressed that the Edge of the Woods Ceremony (which they have experienced) would be a helpful way to begin worship together,” says Barb Janes, GC43 Worship Coordinator.

Edge of the Woods will take place close to the GC43 plenary. It will be livestreamed so everyone can experience the ceremony, watching from the plenary space, or from home.

Indigenous Commissioners, youth pilgrims, local First Nations people and chiefs, and representatives from all Conferences will attend and participate. Antone’s family will be among the individuals singing at the ceremony.

“At Edge of the Woods, the United Church will be asking permission to come on First Nations’ territory. It is a step in the church’s truth and reconciliation efforts,” says Antone, who is a retired minister with the church, past member of the ANCC, one of the founding members of the Toronto Urban Native Ministry, and an Elder to universities in the greater Toronto Area.

“Local First Nations chiefs will come to the ceremony and invite people to participate on traditional territory,” says Antone. In addition, there will be singing, smudging, and a traditional offering of tobacco. “When people accept the tobacco they are [agreeing] to be good citizens on traditional territory,” adds Antone.

The ceremony will end with a procession from the “woods” into the GC43 “village,” or plenary space, where worship will continue with Rev. Miriam Spies.


The Congregations of St. Mark’s and St. David’s
United Church of Canada
Port Hawkesbury/Port Hastings, NS
Office: 625-2229, Fax 625-3597, e-mail:
Presbytery Website:
Ministers: The Whole People of God 
Minister: Nan Corrigan D.M.     Minister of Music: Al Fougere
July 15th, 2018-8th Sunday after Pentecost
Connecting with life
                The ocean refuses no river, no river.
            The open heart refuses no part of me, no part of you.
I am one with all that is, one with all;
All that is is one with me, one with all.                       (Sufi chant)
Where, this week, have you experienced unity amid difference or diversity? Where have you refused or resisted what life offers?
Copyright © Wood Lake Publishing Inc. 2017 Seasons of the Spirit™ SeasonsFUSION
Pentecost 1 2018 p. 111
Announcements         The Work of Church and Community
One: The peace of Christ be with you. All: And with your spirit.
*Introit           There Is Room for All                                      MV 62
Call to Worship 
God has blessed us with every blessing:
blessings from the holy realm,
blessings from this sacred Earth.
God has blessed us with every blessing.
Christ has blessed us with every blessing:
blessings of the Holy Presence,
blessings of human essence,
Christ has blessed us with every blessing.
God has blessed us with every blessing:
blessings to give us love and hope,
blessings to share as peace and joy.
God has blessed with every blessing;
let us reply with our worship.
Opening Prayer
One: O God, your presence is made known to us
in this gathered community of faith,
in the doing of justice and evidence of peace,
in the face of a stranger and the story of a friend.
All: May we recognize the sacred at all times and places
and be inspired with your joy. Give us the courage and freedom
to express this joy in every way and with all that we are. Make us bold to praise you in solitude and in community – singing, dancing, and playing to tell of your glory. Amen.
*Hymn     This Is the Day                                                       VU 412
Prayer for Healing (Prayer of Confession)
Two minutes of silence will be offered, starting and ending with bell.
Words of Affirmation
Two minutes of silence will be offered, starting and ending with bell.
...Looking through the eyes of grace,
All: God sees us as holy and blameless. Amen.
2 Samuel 6: 1-5, 12b-19         David brings the Ark to Jerusalem
This is the witness of the Hebrew people. All: Thanks be to God.
Psalm 24         The earth is God’s and all that is in it. VU 751
*Hymn   Praise the Lord with the Sound of Trumpet VU 245
Ephesians 1:1–14  Adopted through Christ and given an inheritance.
      Response: To you, O God, I lift my soul, to you I lift my soul.
This is the witness of the early church.   All: Thanks be to God.
Opening the Word   Hearing For the First Time Who We Are
            Based on Ephesians 1:1-14
Nan’s Going to General Council—the Church in Action
* Hymn  I'm Gonna Live So God Can Use Me                      VU 575
Minute for Mission & Offering Our Gifts to God
*Offering Song Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow VU541
Prayers of the People and the Lord's Prayer
One: With these...   All: we lift our hearts in prayer.
* Hymn           Let Us Build a House                                      MV  1
*Commissioning and Benediction
*Choral Amen