Organist: Al Fougere
Lay Reader (St. M.): Clark Brander
Lay Reader (St. D.): Wanda Radford
Mission Moment (St. M.); Linda Howlett
Mission Moment (St. D.): Yvonne Fox
Collectors & Greeters (St. M.): Andy Palmer, Ingram Fowlie
Counters (St. M.): Judy Castle, Sally Smith
Greeter (St. D.): Heather Deschenes
Collectors (St. D.): Alicia Vink, Susan Fox
Monday & Tuesday 9-12 noon, Nan at St. Mark’s
Wednesday 9-12 noon, Nan at St. David’s, Jane at St. Mark’s
Thursday 9-12 noon, Jane at St. Mark’s
Friday Minister’s Day Off, 9-12 noon, Jane at St. Mark’s
During the month of June, we will honour the United Church commitment to practice reconciliation and work for Indigenous justice. Throughout this month, we’ll begin our worship times with an Acknowledgement of the Territory. Aboriginal Sunday, the Sunday closest to National Aboriginal Day (June 21), is an opportunity to celebrate First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples’ values, customs, languages, and culture.
Deadline for information for the bulletin is Thursday at noon.
Copies of the “UPPER ROOM” for July-August are available.
Food Bank donations are received on the last Sunday of the month.
COOKIES FOR BERWICK CAMP... If you would like to donate cookies for the 'Cookie Cottage', please contact Margie MacIntyre 902.625.1361 for pick up of cookies at St. David's on Sunday,July 22nd.
PHOTOS FOR NATIONAL CHURCH BULLETINS AND CALENDARS... Please consider submitting photos for United Church Bulletin covers and our church calendars. For more information, access or see the posters available from the church office.
FESTIVAL OF FAITH.... 'Risking Faith,Daring Hope', Oshawa,Ontario,July 21-22,2018. Free cost, with a donation to Mission and Service,greatly appreciated. Visit the website:
St. David's U.C.W., will host a birthday party, for residents of the Port Hawkesbury Nursing Home, at the Home, on Friday, June 22nd, 2-3 p.m. All are welcome!
Two Rivers Wildlife Park Picnic Trip,will be on Monday, June 18th, departing St. David's parking lot at 9 a.m. The rain date will be Thursday, June 21st. All cars are now full.
Theater Trip to Bauer Theater in Antigonish, 'Burnin' Love, Heart Strings and wild rides and Elvis!' Room for three people. If interested,please contact Margie MacIntyre as soon as possible. 902.625.1361.
A donation of $450.00 was received from the Thyme Quilters for the General Fund at St. Mark's Lay Readers:
June 24th – Malcolm Matheson
July – Combined Service at St. David’s
June 19th – 7:00 p.m. Congregational Board Committees meet
June 27th - 10:30 a.m. - Service at Port Hawkesbury Nursing Home.
Collection Counters/Recorders Needed - Please sign up. The load gets lighter when many helping hands participate.
FundScrip - FundScrip will resume in September and the date will be posted sometime in August.
Please note: kitchen clean up is underway. If you have any items left in the kitchen, please pick them up or they will be placed in the Yard Sale.
Yard Sale Update: July 7th is the date of the Yard Sale. If you have items to donate, they can be left on the stage anytime prior to the sale. If you need items picked up contact Marie Langley at 902-625-1969. (No Clothing or electronics please). Tables are available for rent for $10.00 per table.
Festival of the Strait, Fund Raising at St. Mark’s:
Floor Curling: Wednesday 2-4:00pm.
Unique Quilt Show & Talent Table: Thursday & Friday, 11-6:00pm.
Gigantic Yard Sale: Saturday, 10-1:00pm.
St.Mark’s Unique Quilt Show & Talent Table
We are asking all our members and friends to bring their beautiful quilts to show in the church. We are also asking you to contribute one item for the Talent Table. This table will be set up in the hall where the desserts are being served. All items donated and money raised will help with Church expenses.
Lay Readers:
June 24th - Haley Mac Fadyen
July 1st – Iaian Langley
July 8th – Kenzie Mac Lean
July 15th – Rosemary Morrell
July 22nd – Amy Mac Killop
July 29th – Haley Mac Fadyen
Second Sunday Lunch Join us for fellowship and food on Second Sundays of each month as we gather in a local restaurant to share lunch together. Everyone welcome. We will meet in the hall right after worship to arrange carpooling if needed.
Hall Cleaners for June are: Susan Fox & Sally Fox.
Symphony Nova Scotia’s “Classical Munchkins”
Port Hawkesbury Branch Library - Wed, July 11 / 3pm
Interactive & fun! Learn from musicians who show off their instruments while playing some tunes! Classical Munchkins offers children up close and personal learning with symphony musicians. Symphony Nova Scotia partners with various libraries and museums to deliver this wonderfully engaging program. Two of our musicians will “show off” their instruments and explain how they work while playing familiar, delightful tunes.
Age Limit: 0-12 No registration required. Length: 40 minutes Admission is Free
SuperNOVA Science Workshops
Port Hawkesbury Branch Library - Fri, July 20 / 10:30am Interactive & high-energy STEM workshops, featuring exciting demonstrations, interactive experiments & fun hands-on activities. learn about robotics by programming mini, color-sensing robots called ozobots to follow maps we draw for them!
SuperNOVA is a not-for-profit initiative that promotes science, engineering, technology and mathematics (STEM) to youth from 5 to 18 years of age. Workshops are delivered by highly-trained Dalhousie University science and engineering undergraduate students, who share their curiosity and enthusiasm with young people across the province.
Ages: 8-12 Maximum Participants: 20 kids.
Space is limited, contact Library to register. 902-625-2729
Length: 60 minutes Admission is free.