Saturday, 5 May 2018


The Congregations of St. Mark’s and St. David’s
United Church of Canada
Port Hawkesbury/Port Hastings, NS
Office: 625-2229, Fax 625-3597, e-mail:
Presbytery Website:
Ministers: The Whole People of God   Minister: Nan Corrigan D.M.
Minister of Music: Al Fougere
May 6th, 2018-6th Sunday of Easter

Connecting Scripture and Life 
There is a country gospel song entitled “You Don’t Love God If You Don’t Love Your Neighbour”. (Find it on YouTube)

How does loving our neighbour serve God? Consider what small and large seeds of love you can plant in the lives of your neighbours. 

What small acts of kindness, mercy, and grace can you extend to another as you move through this week? 
Copyright © Wood Lake Publishing Inc. 2017 Seasons of the Spirit™ 
SeasonsFUSION Lent • Easter 2018, p. 181

Announcements         The Work of Church and Community


The peace of Christ be with you. All: And with your spirit.

*Introit Each Blade of Grass verse 1 MV 37
Call to Worship  Based on Psalm 98
One: “Sing to the Holy One, sing a new song! The One who
has done marvellous things!”
All: We sing with our hearts as we love one another.
God’s love creates ripples of love.
One: “God remembered the covenant of love and fidelity
toward the house of Israel.”
All: We rejoice with our lives as we love one another.
God’s love creates ripples of love.
One: “Sing to the Holy One… Let the sea roar…and the
mountains shout together…”
All: We give praise to God with our hearts and our lives
as we love one another. God’s love creates ripples of love.
Scripture quotes from Songs for the Holy One by Thomas Barnett and Donald Patriquin.
Copyright © 2004 Thomas Barnett and Donald Patriquin,
Wood Lake Publishing Inc. Used by permission.
Opening Prayer
Loving God, you teach us to love one another. Help us to do that well, with a spirit of truth and trust. Help us to know when we are called to show love. Help us to know when showing love means holding our tongue, or saying “I’m sorry,” or providing care and attention. Grant us the blessing of being cared for by our friends and by our families. Help us to be a people of friendship and loving kindness. Amen.

*Hymn  Sing a New Song Printed

Prayer for Wholeness
One: Gracious God, we know what it means to be a friend.
Left: Forgive us for the times when our friendship has faltered.
Right: Forgive us for the times we have forgotten how to be a friend to ourselves.
Left: Forgive us for the times we have forgotten how to be a friend to others.
One: We know what it means to be loved.
Right: Forgive us for the times we forget how to love ourselves.
Left: Forgive us for the times we forget how to love our neighbours.
Right: Forgive us for the times we forget how to love one another.
One: We know what it means to delight in creation.
Left: Forgive us when we forget how to care for your world.
Right: Forgive us when we walk past the litter dropped carelessly.
Left: Forgive us when we run a seemingly endless stream of water.
Right: Forgive us when we accumulate more stuff without thinking of the consequences.
One: We know what it means to show your love.
Left: Forgive us when we forget to help those in need.
Right:Forgive us when we turn away from needs we see around us.
Left: Forgive us for the times we leave acts of love for another day.
Right: Forgive us when we harbour resentment and hurt instead of letting them go.
One: We know what it means to be forgiven.
Left: Forgive us when we forget how to show forgiveness.
Right: Forgive us when we forget how to pursue justice in love.
Left: Forgive us when we estrange ourselves from others because we feel too guilty or too proud.
One: We know what it means to be gathered.
Right: Forgive us when we forget to extend hospitality and welcome.
Left: Forgive us for closing our doors and shutting down opportunities to be your love in the world.
Right: Forgive us for times we abandon our call to our neighbours.
All: Amen. 

Words of Assurance
God who is pure love offers us love and forgiveness when we confess our sins. Friends, we are free. Our sins are for­given.


Acts 10:44–48 The gift of the Holy Spirit comes as Peter preaches.
One: This is the witness of the early church. All: Thanks be to God.

Psalm 98  Sing to God a new song. Ref. 2 VU 818

*Hymn      Jesus Loves Me VU 365

Opening the Word & the Lord’s Prayer

The Gospel Acclamation

John 15:9–17 Love one another as I have loved you.
One: The gospel of Jesus Christ. All: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.  

Opening the Word 2


* Hymn    Love Us Into Fullness MV 81

Minute for Mission & Offering Our Gifts to God

*Offering Hymn  We Praise You, O God verse 1 only VU 218

Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession  
     Times of silence will be offered throughout this prayer. 
Concluding Prayer: All: Compassionate and loving God, we give thanks for your constant presence. You are present in moments of silence and noisy chaos. You show up to the beautiful and to the battered. You offer care and love to all. Help us to see the needs of one another so that we may help fill each other’s cups, creating ripples of love. We give thanks for the ability to love one an­other more fully because of the love you share with all. 


* Hymn    In Christ There Is No East or West VU 606

*Commissioning & Choral Amen