Saturday, 27 January 2018


The Congregations of St. Mark’s and St. David’s
United Church of Canada
Port Hawkesbury/Port Hastings, NS
Office: 625-2229, Fax 625-3597, e-mail:
Presbytery Website:
Ministers: The Whole People of God   Minister: Nan Corrigan D. M.
Minister of Music: Al Fougere
January 28th 2018—4th after Epiphany

A thought around which to gather as we worship— Of course, this is not anything new. Moses had to deal with rumours and accusations while leading the people to freedom. Men and women in the early church struggle with what a community – which was open to all and willing to listen to all – might look like. There were all sorts of rumours, questions, “alternative facts” spread about Jesus. Like all of them, we are faced with the continual quest to discover what it is like to live with truth in love and with love in truth.
Seasons of the Spirit™ SeasonsFUSION Advent • Christmas • Epiphany 2017–2018 
Copyright © Wood Lake Publishing Inc. 2017, p. 143



One: The peace of Christ be with you. All: And with your spirit.

*Introit When the Wind of Winter Blows     Verse 1 MV 71

Call to Worship

One: We enter this sanctuary of truth. 
All: In the company of sinners, in cahoots with saints: 
One: we gather as God’s people. 
All: We come, people of deep, abiding faith; 
and people seeking a way, straining our ears for the good news:
we lift our praise to God.

Opening Prayer

One: Faithful and just God: 
All: our songs of gratitude echo down the hallways of creation. 
One: You reach out your hand to lift us up so we may follow you. 
Holy God: 
All: our songs of praise echo down the hallway of our hearts. 
One: Without your wisdom, we would be speechless; 
without your peace, we would be heartless; 
without your presence, we would be graceless. 
Bearer of truth: 
All: our songs of joy echo down the hallways of eternity. 
One: God in Community, Holy in One, 
may our songs echo in your heart. Amen.

*Hymn    This Day God Gives Me VU 410

Prayer for Wholeness

God of truth and love, there are times when we fill our souls with the empty sounds of our culture and miss your words of hope, of grace, of comfort.
Sometimes, we do not heed your hopes for us.
Sometimes, our pride gets in the way of witnessing to your love.
Forgive us, Holy One, and be gracious to us.
Astound us with your words, so we may learn your ways;
nourish us with your mercy, so we may be filled with life;
and overflow with praise for you. Amen.
Silence is kept.

Words of Affirmation

One: Of all the astounding works of God, this may be the most wonderful: God is gracious and merciful to all!
All: What is this? Good news, of the very best kind!
We give our heartfelt thanks to God.


Deuteronomy 18:15–20 God will raise up a prophet after Moses.

One: This is the witness of the Hebrew people. All: Thanks be to God.

Psalm 111  The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. VU 833

*Hymn  Praise My Soul the God of Heaven VU 240

Opening the Word & Lord’s Prayer

The Gospel Acclamation

Mark 1:21–28 A new teaching—with authority.

One: The gospel of Jesus Christ. All: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

Opening the Word 2  A Monologue


*Hymn            Healer of Our Every Ill VU 619

Minute for Mission and Offering Our Gifts to God 

*Offering Prayer

When we think we should dictate how our gifts should be used, Loving God, remind us that all we have and are is yours. 
May our treasures bring new hope to those in despair, words of affirmation to the bullied, and life to everyone who is broken. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession

Times of Silence will be offered. 


*Hymn Holy God, We Praise Your Name VU 894

* Sending Out

One: Let us go now into the world, not with power tightly grasped, 
All: but with the humility to know we do not have all the answers. 
One: Let us go now into the lives of others, not to direct, 
All: but to share in their brokenness as well as their hopes. 
One: Let us go now into our communities, not with loud voices, 
All: but with gentle whispers of grace and mercy.

*Choral Amen