Thursday, 4 January 2018

ESSENTIALS Newsletter from United Church of Canada

e United Church of Canada E-ssentials - December 20, 2017
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Christmas Greetings

Winter sunrise
Through the heartfelt mercies of our God, God's Sunrise will break in upon us.
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Il a fait briller sur nous une lumière venue d’en haut, comme celle du soleil levant.
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Kisewatisowin ohchi kisemanito kawapahtenaw sakastewin.

The Right Rev. Jordan Cantwell, Moderator, The United Church of Canada
Jordan Cantwell, pasteure, modératrice de l’Église Unie du Canada

Luke 1:78: Scripture taken from The Message. Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group.
Luc 1,78 : Textes bibliques en français tirés de la Bible Parole de Vie © Société biblique française – Bibli’O 2000. Avec autorisation.
Plains Cree translation: Josephine Small, Ermineskin Cree Nation
Design: Rae Fletcher | Image:

Gifts with Vision

Are you looking for a meaningful gift to give someone for Christmas, or their birthday, or just because? Gifts with Vision is a great way to make a difference and show someone that you care — all without wrapping! Make a difference by visiting website and select a gift for a friend or loved one today!

Advent Unwrapped: Love

Where do you search for love? Christian love is welcoming a stranger and accepting an old friend for who they really are. Love is looking out for our neighbours as we would look out for ourselves. Use this video from Advent Unwrapped to share the message of Christian love. 

Visit for more resources. Subscribe to receive all the updates by scrolling to "Connect with Us" at the foot of every page.

Remit Implementation Update

Information about all the changes underway in the church can be found on the Remit Implementation web page, along with documents answering frequently asked questions about the remits. Questions, comments, suggestions, and concerns can be sent to Sign up here to receive the Remit Implementation newsletter and stay up to date!

Recent Updates:

Networks and Clusters
Funding Our Future
Input to Boundaries Commission

2018 Canadian Church Calendar

The 2018 Canadian Church Calendar features colourful photos of United Churches from across the country and notes special days and church seasons. Keep track of liturgical seasons and colours, significant United Church days, and lectionary dates. Get yours today from Bulk rates available!

Our gifts for Mission & Service bring healing, justice, and hope to life. Donate today.
Please note: Beginning in 2017, we are sending United Church E-ssentials to all pastoral charges, presbyteries, and Conferences. This bi-weekly newsletter is a way to keep connected to the work of the United Church and consolidate the number of messages faith communities receive from the General Council Office. We hope you find it helpful. Comments or questions? Please let us know!