Saturday, 27 January 2018


The United Church of Canada | L'Église Unie du Canada

Boundaries Commission Interim Report: We heard you!

During our YouTube Live web broadcast on January 15, Chair Andrew Richardson presented the Boundaries Commission interim report, explained how the Commission decided on the draft regional councils, and answered questions from viewers. You can watch a recording of the session on the United Church YouTube channel.

People from across the country participated in the live online broadcast with their questions and concerns. One of the recurring concerns raised was that there wasn’t enough time for consultation and feedback on the interim report. Here is Andrew’s response:

“The release of the Boundaries Commission’s interim report has sparked conversation across the church. We have heard many comments both positive and negative. We appreciate all feedback that has come directly to us or as questions during the webinar.

“We realize the consultation time is short, but nevertheless if your governing body has specific proposals for how particular boundaries might work better, please use to send a formal motion to us. The clearer the rationale, the easier it will be for the Commission to discern any necessary changes. You may want to refer to our four criteria—geography, relationships, capacity, and culture in your response.”

Requesting changes to boundaries

Governing bodies of pastoral charges, presbyteries, and Conferences can request a change to the Boundaries Commission proposal by passing a formal motion. Please forward motions to by January 31, 2018.

Submitting questions and comments

Please continue to send your questions and comments to

What’s next?

The Commission will release its final report no later than March 15, 2018, outlining the boundaries of the new regional councils. The Commission has decision-making authority subject to the 43rd General Council deciding to enact remits approved by presbyteries and/or pastoral charges. Watch for the report on and and in your inbox.

NB: A parallel, ongoing process is underway within the Indigenous Church.

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