Friday, 28 November 2014


Participating through leadership in worship this morning are:
Organist: Al Fougere
Lay Reader (St. M.): Barbara Mac Intyre
Lay Reader (St. D.): Arnold Mac Lean
Advent Wreath (St. M.): The Langdon Family
Advent Wreath (St. D.): Julia Mac Kinnon
Greeters & Collectors (St. M.): Darren & Anne Louise Blundon
Greeters (St. D.): The Timmons Family
Collectors (St. D.): Bob Downard, Alicia Vink

Monday 9-12 noon, Nan at St. Mark’s
Tuesday 9-12 noon, Nan at St. Mark’s
Wednesday 9-12 noon Nan at St. David’s, Jane at St. Mark’s
Thursday 9 – 12 noon Jane at St. Mark’s
Friday – Minister’s Day Off, 9-12 noon Jane at St. Mark’s

Food Bank donations are received on the last Sunday of the month. They are also saving plastic grocery bags which can be dropped off at the Food Bank or given to one of the volunteers.

Prayer Shawl Knitting Circle Knitters and crocheters gather together in the parlour of St. Mark’s on the 3rd Monday of each month. Next time of gathering is December 15th at 1:00 p.m.

Canadian Church Calendar 2015 Cost: $6.00 (profit to go to the Mission and Service Fund, United Church of Canada) 
A beautiful calendar showcasing our own traditions with inspired photographs of Anglican and United churches from across Canada. Significant church dates and spiritually uplifting verses make it the perfect calendar to give or keep.

About Gifts with Vision
The United Church of Canada developed the giving catalogue Gifts with Vision in response to member requests to be able to give gifts to relatives, friends, and loved ones that are in direct support of the church’s Mission and Service partners across Canada and around the world. If you are seeking inspiring new gift ideas, Gifts with Vision presents a new way to celebrate special occasions. Give a gift that can help change people’s lives! Print catalogues are now available in the entry to the church and gifts can also be purchased online at

Anyone interested in Confirmation is asked to please contact the Church Office at 625-2229.

Christmas Parade Float from St. David's and St. Mark's--want to help us put together a living nativity float for Port Hawkesbury's Christmas Parade? Speak to Nan or Bruce--needed are people to help put the float together and people to take part.

Advent Small Group: Working Graces This study for small groups is based on the The Letters used in the Lectionary readings for Advent. The President of Maritime Conference, Gloria Churchill and Janice MacLean reflect on Faith, Hope, and Love. These “Working Graces” inform our mission and identity in congregations. Parlour of St. Mark's, Monday mornings at 10:00 throughout December.

December 7th – Advent 2
December 14th – Advent 3
December 21st – Advent 4
December 24th – Christmas Eve Service with Communion
6:30 p.m. – Service at St. Mark’s
8:00 p.m. – Service at St. David’s

Marking the Days: Calendars for Inmates at Springhill Institution Again this year the Chaplains are seeking calendars for the inmates at Springhill Institution.  These calendars are an important point of contact with inmates especially those who are arriving in the reception area.  You could drop them off in the box provided at Church entrance.

Christmas Hope: Christmas Cards for Inmates in Segregated Populations There is prison and then there is the hole – segregation: 23 hours a day in a 6’X9′ cell.  Isolated, bombarded by the noise of an institutional machine, alone with your thoughts and feelings at Christmas time.  It is into this place that the Divine longs to be born.  If you would like to share the message of hope with an individual in prison, write a Christmas message on a Christmas Card, sign it with your first name only, place it in an unsealed envelope and either mail the envelope to Springhill Institution Chaplaincy Department, PO Box 2140 Springhill, NS B0M 1X0. The Chaplains will put the names of individuals on the Christmas cards and hand them out to the men in Segregation over the Christmas season.

November 30th, Advent 1: 4:30 p.m. - All Ages Advent Event "Preparing the Way" Activity centres including making your own family/household Nativity Scene or Creche; informal worship. Concluding with soup and hotdog supper (provided). Everyone welcome. This will be held at St. Mark’s

CHRISTMAS OLD & NEW --- is a gift of music from the Inverness County Singers and the Young County Singers, directed by Laurel Browne with piano accompaniment by Lawrence Cameron. If you missed the performance at St. Mark’s on Saturday, there is another one on Monday, December 1 at 7:30 at St. Mary’s Church in Mabou. Donations go to local charities



In Loving Memory of:
- JIM NOSEWORTHY and ALPHONSE & DOROTHY ROACH from Archie & Elaine Noseworthy & family.


St. Mark’s Welcomes You! Refreshments in the church hall following worship—please join us! There is a quiet nursery space above the stage in the hall—reached via the stairs by the church office door. There you will find toys, change table, crib, rocking chair for your use. We’re so glad you came today.

St. Mark’s Courtesy Car: Contact person for the Courtesy Car is Andy Palmer. His telephone number is 625-2748.

FundScrip Order Sunday will be December 7th  and Delivery Sunday will be December 14th. FundScrip will resume with an order Sunday January 11, 2015.
Promotions for December are as follows:
Fairmont Hotels                              10% ( Regular 8% )
Kernels Popcorn                              10% ( Regular 5%)
Cara Restaurants ( Includes Hudson’s Bay   5% ( Regular 3% )
& Home Outfitters)
 FundScrip will resume in 2015 with an order Sunday on January 11th, 2015. Please contact Patsy Brander at 902-625-1062 or Bonnie Dawson at 902-625-3838 if you have any questions about the program or if you wish to join the program.

Lay Readers:
December 7th – Jean Mac Pherson
December 14th – Clark Brander
December 21st – Julia Mac Quarrie
December 24th – Archie Noseworthy

Observer Subscriptions:  Please use one of the envelopes in the narthex to subscribe or renew and place on the collection plate by December 14, 2014.  Cost is just $20/yr.  For more info, please contact Lorna Harvey at 902-625-0535 or


In Loving Memory of:
- IAN A. MACKINNON & daughter SUSAN MAC KINNON from Jane & Family


Lay Readers:
December 7th – Mary Jess Mac Donald
December 14th – Lisa Rhynold
December 21st – Kenzie Mac Lean
December 28th -

Hall Cleaners for December are Jean Hatcher & Marjorie Langford.


Leeside Christmas Program Leeside Transition House provides Christmas gifts and food to families in need who use our sevices.  Many families receive assistance only from Leeside.  Donations from the community make the Christmas program possible.  You can help in one of the following ways: -Make a cash donation -Donate a gift card from a grocery store -"Adopt" a child or family to buy gifts for -Tell others about the Leeside Christmas program For more info. call Leeside at 902-625-1990.

An Olde Tyme Christmas at the Port Hastings Museum and Artisans Collective on Friday to Sunday, Nov. 28th to Nov. 30th  and Friday, Dec. 5th to Sunday, Dec. 7th - daily 2:00 to 7:00 p.m. Special Christmas Displays throughout the Museum, quality hand crafted woven, quilted, knitted and carved gift items for Christmas from local artisans, childrens activities.  Bake sale on both Saturdays beginning at 2:00 pm.

Christmas House Tour – Strait Area Curling Club will sponsor a Christmas House Tour on Saturday December 6th. St Marks Church will be featured with mangers from around the world, along with 6 houses in the community. A tea will follow at the Curling Club on Macquarrie Drive. Tickets are available from Valli Ross and Jean Macpherson and various locations in Port Hawkesbury and the surrounding area

December 6th Evergreen Seniors Club Christmas Bazaar & Tea from 1:00 – 4:00pm Doors open at 12:30 to view items for auction. Auction 1 pm sharp Bake table, crafts, Gramma’s attic, sale of tickets on handmade quilt, & Christmas Basket. $2.00 admission.

Lights of Love Christmas Campaign- join the celebration this year by helping the R.K. Mac Donald Nursing Home light up their tree with bulbs dedicated to love. You can dedicate a bulb in memory of a deceased loved one or honour someone presently in your life. Monies raised will be used toward the construction of a Four Seasons Solarium/Sunroom, adjacent to the dining room at the nursing home. Solariums provide year-round natural light which will enhance psychological and physical well-being for all residents of the R.K. If you would like to make a donation in memory of a loved one, and are not already on our mailing list, please call the RK Foundation office and leave us your mailing address- 902-863-2578 Ext. 223. Please join us on Sunday, December 7, at 7 pm in the R.K.MacDonald Chapel for the dedication ceremony.

Strait Area Women’s Place and Public Heath are hosting a Flu Clinic. Open to the public on Tuesday, December 2nd, 2014 from 1pm-6pm at 609 Church Street Suite 104. Bring your health card.

Canada’s National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women. You are invited to participate in a vigil of Remembrance and Hope on December 5, 2014 from 12:00-1:00 p.m. at Strait Area Women’s Place Suite 104-609 Church Street, Port Hawkesbury. Light refreshments will be provided. For more information please call Strait Area Women’s Place at 902-625-1614. In 1991 December 6th was declared Canada’s National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women. The vigil is a time to remember all women and girls who live with violence or who have died as a result of violence. It is an opportunity to nurture our hope. The violence can end. You can make a difference.

Port Hawkesbury Seasonal Services is once again preparing to provide Christmas Dinner Boxes for those in need in the Town. Anyone wishing to donate financially to this project may do so by contacting Jo-Anne MacDonald at 625-3003. Donations may also be left at the Pitt Street Post Office with Rosanne or Roberta. Donations may be left in your name, at the Royal Bank of Canada