Friday, 9 August 2013


Participating through leadership in worship this morning are:
Organist: Al Fougere
Greeter: Anna Marie & John Langley
Lay Reader: Malcolm Matheson
Collectors: Anna Marie & John Langley,
                Jean Wilson, Ingram Fowlie
St. David’s Counters: Bob Downard, Kim Cameron

Deadline for information for the bulletin is Thursday at noon.

Food Bank donations are received on the last Sunday of the month.
Suggested Food Banks donations: canned meat/fish or canned fruit.

Secretary’s summers hours are Thursday & Friday mornings.

Summer Service During the month of August and September 1st Services will be at St. Mark’s at 9:30 a.m. NO Service at St. David’s



FUNDSCRIP UPDATE - The first FundScrip order will be placed Sunday September 15, 2013 and gift cards will be returned Sunday September 22. Orders will be sent biweekly on Sundays and gift cards will be returned the Sundays following the orders. FundScrip order forms and envelopes are now available in the narthex and can be found in a green folder labelled FundScrip.

HOW TO PLACE AN ORDER - Complete the information on the order form, choose the gift cards you wish to purchase and total the cost of the order. Put the order form and payment in a sealed FundScrip envelope and place on the plate during collection. Payment may be cash or cheque made out to St. Mark’s United Church with a notation FundScrip order. No post-dated cheques please. Your order must be paid before it can be sent.
If you are unable to attend church please deliver your orders, payment included, in sealed Fundscrip envelopes to Patsy or Bonnie in time to be sent with the orders on the designated Sundays. Orders with payment included, in sealed Fundscrip envelopes, may also be given to Jane during St. Mark’s weekly office hours. If you are unable to attend church on gift card delivery Sundays please make arrangements with Patsy to receive them.
If you have any questions or would like more information about this program you may call Patsy Brander at 625-1062 or Bonnie Dawson at 625-3838. You may also like to visit the website for FundScrip at


If you need a ride to church during the months of August or September, call Dave Chapman at 787-2610
Please make your Courtesy Car request well in advance if possible. Sunday Worship requests should be made by the evening before
or by 8 a.m. Sunday morning at latest.

St. Mark’s Lay Readers for August:
August 18th – Irene Mac Isaac
August 25th – Judy Castle
September 1st – Karen Mac Kinnon



A Pastoral Aires Concert at the Causeway will be held at St. David’s United Church on Friday, August 16th at 7 pm. in Port Hastings. Fiddlers, pianists, singers and a bagpiper will be featured. Tea and a light lunch to follow. Admission is a donation at the door. Sponsored by St. David’s  United Church Congregation for the Building Fund.

St. David’s Official  Board Sept. 8/2013 following Worship Service.


Port Hawkesbury Ceilidh Tuesday @ 7:30pm 
Port Hawkesbury Civic Centre 
Presented by the Port Hastings Historical Society 
Admission $8.00, Children $4.00 (under 5 free), Family rate available. Season pass $40.00 
Free Tea & Oatcakes
August 13  
Mike Hall - Fiddle
Kolten MacDonnell - Piano
Cassidy Fraser - Vocals
Chris Poirier - Dancer
August 20th
Dara Smith MacDonald - Fiddle
Adam Young - Piano
Kayla Marchand - Stepdancer
Taylor MacInnis – Vocals


Open House and 80th Birthday Celebration for Julia MacQuarrie, Sunday, August 11th from 3:00 to 5:00 at the Evergreen Club, Napean Street, Port Hawkesbury. Everyone welcome.
