Saturday, 23 March 2013


Participating through leadership in worship this morning are:
Organist: Al Fougere
Greeters (St. M.): Anne Louise & Darren Blundon
Greeter (St. D.): Arnold Mac Lean
Mission Moment (St. M.):
                            (St. D.): Karen Wagar
Lenten Readings (St. M.): Heather Roussey & Rebecca
Lenten Candles (St. D.) Arnold Mac Lean, Bob Downard
Collectors (St. M.): Earl West, Andy Palmer,
Anne Louise & Darren Blundon
                  (St. D.): Sally Fox, Heather Deschenes


Monday 9-12 noon Tuesday 9-12 noon
Wednesday 9-12 noon at St. David’s You may drop by for a coffee.
Thursday 9 – 12 noon Friday – Minister’s Day Off
The Manse telephone number is 625-0407

Holy Week Worship Services:

Wednesday, March 27th 10:30 Service at the Nursing Home.
March 28th  Maundy Thursday Potluck Supper and Table Communion  St. David's 5:00 p.m. Bring a salad, main course, or dessert (at least enough for yourselves and to share with another family of the same size ie. If you are two, bring enough for 4) Beverages and bread supplied. Potluck supper concluding with worship and communion.
March 29th Good Friday Worship St. Mark's 11:00 a.m.
March 31st Easter Sunrise 6:30 a.m. St. David’s followed by Easter Breakfast at Port Hastings Fire Hall
Easter Communion-St. Mark’s 9:30 a.m.; St. David’s 11:00 a.m.

Easter Flowers: Tulips and Daffodils—Nan will be purchasing a quantity of 6.5” pots of tulips and daffodils to adorn the churches this Easter. If you would like to purchase one of these pots of spring flowers (and take them home with you following Easter Sunday worship or deliver to shut-ins), please contact the church office at 625-2229 this week. As in previous years, you are also free to bring spring flowers to fill our church as signs and symbols of God’s gift of new life (please no lilies or hyacinth as they are highly scented). Tulip and daffodil pots purchased from the church will be $10 with profits going to the Mission and Service Fund. If you wish an “In Loving Memory” notation in the bulletin, please contact the church office.
Prayer Shawl Knitting Circle Knitters and crocheters - gather together in the parlour of St. Mark’s on the 3rd Monday of each month. Monday, April 15th at 1 p.m. will be our next gathering.

Deadline for information for the bulletin is Thursday at noon.

Food Bank donations are received on the last Sunday of the month.
Easter Sunday Special Food Offering for the Food Bank.


Lay Readers:
March 31, 2013 – Larry Evans
April 7, 2013 – Joyce Oliver-Snair
April 14, 2013 – Bruce Corrigan
April 21, 2013 – Connie Fowlie
April 28, 2013 – David Chapman


If you need a ride to church during the month of March and April
call Andy Palmer 625-2748
Please make your Courtesy Car request well in advance if possible. Sunday Worship requests should be made by the evening before
or by 8 a.m. Sunday morning at latest.

TODAY Ways and Means—Time to Re-imagine. What are the “Ways” and the “Means” that will enable the ministries of St. Mark’s United Church? Everyone in St. Mark’s congregation is invited to come together to brainstorm and discuss possible new processes and projects that will both energize and fund the work of the church. Current Ways and Means Committee members, everyone who has been called upon to help with fundraising activities, Trustees and Finance Committee members, Board Members and anyone with an interest in or enthusiasm for stewardship are called upon to join with Nan as we “re-imagine” this important work. We will gather together on Sunday, March 24th at 2:00 p.m. in the hall. Please join us!

St. Mark's Christian Education Committee has undertaken the job of producing a digital photo directory. The purpose of this directory is to give Nan and newcomers to our Church a way of recognizing the members of our congregation. (St. David’s congregation is also joining in this project). We would appreciate the cooperation of every member and adherent of both congregations. This project will be concluded by the end of March and a PDF file will be sent to all members who have email. To facilitate this venture, please submit a recent photo of you or of you and your family to Camille Chapman, Kenzie MacLean or to the Church office. If you do not have a recent photo, please contact Camille (787-2610) and she will arrange to take a photo of you and your family. If we do not hear from you we will be calling you to arrange a sitting. Even if you are an occasional church attender, you are still important to us and we want to include you. Please help us to make this venture a success!



Sunday School at St. David’s on the First and Last Sunday of each month. (This will run two Sunday’s together, but it is easier to remember this way)
Session meeting Tuesday, April 2, 2013 at 7 P.M. at Church Hall.
St. David’s Lay Readers:
March 31st is Bruce Corrigan
April 7th – Karen Wagar
April 14th – Susan Langley
April 21st – David Pringle
April 28th – Arnold Mac Lean

Hall Cleaners for March are Maxine Smith and Diane Mac Kinnon