St. Mark’s United Church, Port Hawkesbury
Minister: Barb MacNaughton 902-302-5832
Pianist: Adam Cooke
Office Administrator: Jane MacKinnon
Ministry: The Whole Congregation
Sunday November 7th, 2021 ~ 24th after Pentecost
All Saints/Remembrance Sunday
“Colour Party brings colours forward”
♫ Introit: O Canada VU 524
Lighting of the Christ Candle:
With the lighting of this candle, we affirm the presence of the Holy. Let this light be a symbol for us of that presence within us and around us always
Gathering Words:
We gather this morning in God’s presence to remember
We remember those who have gone before us
We remember those who served in the wars and conflicts of our world
We remember and acknowledge the loneliness we still feel.
We come seeking the transforming power of God’s love.
We came seeking encouragement to carry on the work begun so long ago but faithful people in our world.
Let us pray…
Loving God, we join our hearts and minds together today as we remember those who made such an influence on our lives. May we worship together as we strive to deepen our relationship with one another and with you. May our hearts be open to hear the call for peace and may we do our best to answer that call each day. Amen.
Reading of ‘In Flander’s Fields’
Reading of the Roll
Laying of the Wreath
Act of Remembrance
Litany of Remembrance:
We remember those from our communities and families who served our country during wars, conflicts, and peace keeping missions. We have heard the names, we have remembered their service, and now we light a candle in their memory.
Their memory is a blessing forever.
We remember those within our community who have been gone from our sight and we light these candles in their memory. In the past year we have had 6 faithful people die from our church. We name them now: Myrtle ‘June’ Oliver, Ellsworth ‘Sam’ Embree, Laura Jane Thompson, James Fry, Bill McLennan, Wilfred Pelley. We light one more candle for those we know and love who are suffering in any way this day.
This time of remembrance revives in us memories of loved ones who are no more. What happiness we shared when they walked among us, what joy, when loving and being loved, we lived our lives together.
Their memory is a blessing forever.
Months or years have passed, and still we feel near to them. Our hearts yearn for them. Though the grief has softened, a duller pain abides, for the place they once stood is empty now.
Their spirits are bound up with ours forever.
We see them now with the eye of memory. We give thanks that we can forgive their faults, that their virtues inspire us. So does goodness live and weakness fade from sight. We remember those gone before us with gratitude and we bless their names.
Their memory is a blessing forever.
We remember as well the members who but yesterday were a part of our congregation and community. To all who cared for us and laboured for others’ welfare, we pay tribute. May we prove worthy of carrying on the goals of that faith and neighbourliness, for now the task is ours.
Their spirits are bound up with ours forever.
We give thanks for all these who are now with God. As the great cloud of witnesses surrounds us with their presence.
We give thanks that they live forevermore.
If you wish to come and light a candle in memory of someone or several loved ones, please do so during the singing of the hymn. If you wish to light a candle for someone who is dear to your heart and suffering this day in any way, please do so during the singing. We will simply keep playing music until all who care to have come forward. If you are not comfortable coming forward, please do not feel pressured to do so. They will be remembered in your heart. If you would like me to light a candle for you, just raise your hand.
♫ Hymn: (remain seated) In the Bulb VU #03
Prayer of Illumination:
May our ears and hearts be open this day to hear the sacred stories from our ancient scriptures. Amen.
Micah 4: 1-5
Psalm: 16 – page 738
Gospel: John 15: 12-17
Remembrance Day Message
♫ Offertory Hymn:
For the gift of creation, the gift of your love,
and the gift of the Spirit by which we live,
We thank you and give you the fruit of our hands.
May your grace be proclaimed by the gifts that we give.
Offering Prayer:
Your many gifts surround us each day; from each breath we take to the bounty of our lives. Receive these gifts, which we offer with faith, so that this community may continue to be strong and so that our faith may reach out from this place in acts of peace and justice. Amen.
Prayers of the Faithful:
One: Let us give thanks to God for the land of our birth with all its chartered liberties. For all the wonder of our country’s story:
All: We give you thanks, O God.
One: For leaders of our nation and for those who in days past and in these present times have laboured for the commonwealth:
All: We give you thanks, O God.
One:For those who in all times and places have been true and brave, and in the world’s common ways have lived upright lives and ministered to one another:
All: We give you thanks, O God.
One: For those who served their country in its hour of need, and especially for those who gave their lives in that service:
All: We give you thanks, O God.
One: We remember the deeds of courage and the sacrifices that were made on our behalf by the men and women of our nation during the great wars of our century.
All: We remember, O Lord, how different it was for them and pray that we may prove worthy of their offering.
One: Help us, Lord, to be a people who perform our vows and keep our promises.
All: Help us to do justice, to resist evil, and to love our neighbours as ourselves.
One: Compassionate and most merciful God, move us so that we do not pass by the suffering and the helpless on the road of life.
All: Open our eyes to recognize those who need our help.
One: Cultivate in us a desire to be a friend, to share words of kindness, to do good deeds every day.
All: Gracious God, we pray that there may be peace in this world – the abiding peace that comes from an equal sharing of what this earth affords.
One: We pray for the peace that comes from caring for others, for the peace that comes when we place you first in our lives, for the peace that comes from tolerance and from trust.
All: Guide us, Lord, in the ways of this peace. Guide the leaders of all nations that they may place love and truth and faithful service first in their lives.
One: Open our hearts and the hearts of men and women everywhere to the needs of others. Make us instruments of your peace and grace.
All: Almighty God, as we remember your servants with gratitude for their courage and strength, we hold before you those who mourn them. Look upon your bereaved servants with your mercy. As this day brings them memories of those they have lost, may it also bring your consolation and the assurance that their loved ones are alive now and forever in your living presence.
One: O Lord God of hosts, stretch forth your arm to strengthen and protect the soldiers of our country. We thank you for the courage and faithfulness of those who have served in the armed forces and gave their life in service to our country and for all those who are still serving. Help us to serve others in our nation and community. We pray in the name of your son, Jesus who left us with the prayer we know so well in our hearts…. Our Father…..Amen.
♫ Hymn: For All the Saints VU 705
♫ God save the Queen
One License A-401486
Ministering through leadership this morning are:
Minister: Barbara MacNaughton
Pianist: Adam Cook
Lay Reader: Iaian Langley
Mission Moment: Anna Marie Langley
Counters: Clark Brander, John Langley
Good Morning Folks,
We are now able to have coffee after Church again on the first Sunday of the month; however, this means those who stay after church must be double vaccinated. We will be asking for proof of this vaccination in the hall and will have a form there if you choose to sign it that will allow us to keep your name on a list of those who are vaccinated and we won’t have to ask you again. Otherwise we need to see proof every time you come into the church for anything rather than regular worship. Please consider filling out the form and showing us your proof just the one time. Thank You!
Barb is in the office most mornings Monday-Thursday from 9-12. If you need to arrange a different time to see her, please call her cel 902-302-5832
Secretary’s Office Hours: Thursday & Friday 8-12 noon.
Deadline for information for the bulletin is Thursday at noon.
Hanging of the Greens Service
COVID has been a dark time for our church, help us to bring back the light November 28th at 7:00 p.m. Purchase as many lightbulbs as you like for $5 each in honour of someone or an event. Lights will be on sale from November 1 - November 27th and will be supplied by the church. We will light our candelabras, our choir loft, and our tree. Join us on November 28th for a Hanging of the Greens Service where we will turn on all the lights and celebrate together at 7:00 p.m. We will acknowledge the names of those people and events we are honouring during the service. Please joins us as we celebrate the beginning of Advent.
Collection Counters/Recorders Needed – Please sign up. The load gets lighter when many helping hands participate.
St. Mark’s Congregational Board
Tuesday, November 9th
Full Board Meeting: 7:30 p.m.
Committees: 6:00 p.m.
Bible Study 9:30-11:00 a.m. - Tuesday mornings in the church hall.
Lay Readers:
November 14th – Clark Brander
November 21st – Vida Hood
November 28th – Joyce Oliver-Snair
Minute for Mission Readers:
November 14Th – Yvonne Fox
November 21St – Linda Howlett
November 28Th – Larry Evans
November 21st – 3:00 p.m.: Covenanting Service
November 28th
First Sunday in Advent
Hanging of the Greens - 7:00 p.m.
Food Bank Sunday – Last Sunday of the month.